Chapter 12...

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[ Chapter twelve ]

Why does everything have to be so damn confusing, it makes me wanna just dig a hole and burry myself alive. Or I pretty much reckon I should be the one sick lying on the hospital bed looking so pale and fragile, not mom. It should be me that is supposed to be long dead. And mom is supposed to be alive. But why, guess the odds are always not on my side.

Andrew had left me shortly because I just wanted to be a alone. I want to get my mind straight instead of wondering around the bush searching for unanswered questions. Questions I so badly want answers for.

"Lynni, are you okay? Your sad again". Sky said ever so softly trudging into my room with Reese trailing closely behind. I watched with a small smile on my face as the two came and sat beside me which left me in the middle.

"I'm not sad, I'm just thinking". I said glancing at both their worried faces which now looked confused.  "But we heard yelling coming from your room and we thought you were angry". Reese said as his gaze avoided mine. A panic came over me but I covered it up quickly with a small frown on the edges of my lips.

"Oh that, yes I did yell but I was calling Tristan out on his mistakes because he was doing the wrong thing". I lied trying to make them both understand. "Oh oops". Sky let out a giggle. "So are you sad". Sky asked.

"Nope. Not at all". I lied.

"So tell me, what did y'all do today". I grinned as I pulled the three of us down lying on our back as we cuddled. "Oh you won't believe it. Steve said I'm a princess and that I deserve a shiny tiara, a beautiful magical wound and a pretty dress with matching shoes like all the other
princesses ". Sky gushed out as she cuddled my side with so much force. Reese whined beside me as I laughed.  She continued talking and I lay there listening to their stories.


Two weeks had passed by in a blurry. How time runs by quickly. Things were - normal. I think.

Andrew was back in school, how he stayed by my side and Annie's was quite tiring if you ask me. His bestfriends Luke and Adrian were fun to hang around with. They can talk and talk till your ears bleed, though they both were quite eye catching but no where near him. What the hell. Stop thinking about him. So yeah, Tristan was - impossible. More like he never once spared me a glance, avoid the places I was at, changed his routine if he saw me in his path way.

I couldn't care anyway, I mean I don't get it. I don't even know what his problem is with me. Been the mature person I am, I didn't dare to bother him with all the questions I want answers for. Maybe, just maybe one day all my answers will get answered. Hopefully.

Things at home are slowly getting there. I'm starting to open up and it looks like all the hatred I had for dad  just somehow vanished into thin air. I feel like it isn't his fault, but why. Though, with Annie and Andrew, it feels like I've known them all my life. Crazy right.

The more I familiarise my surroundings at home, deep down I feel like I've been here before. But again, it's impossible. If I was, mom would have told me about it. Things are not adding up, there's something they aren't telling me about and I can feel it. I so badly want to know but I'm afraid of the truth. Or maybe it's all just staff my brain is making up.

I tapped my pencil against my notepad as I waited impatiently for the bell to ring and dismiss us for the day and weekend. I know school is important but I badly wanted to get out of here. Sometimes I feel like the room is about to suck the life out of me.

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