Chapter 16

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Screaming, my eyes automatically opened on their own. A hand clasp my shoulders back. "Aye, aye, aye, your safe Angel. Its only me". His oh so familiar voice made me snap my eyes to him. Where was I? What am I doing here in the hospital wearing a sky blue and white gown?

"Hold on a second, I'm gonna go get the nurses okay". Without waiting for my reply, Tristan disappeared out of the door leaving me alone. Like a light bulb turned on, everything came crashing back. I seriously don't know how to feel anymore. Whether to be frightened, relieved that I'm no longer tied to a chair or the slightest thought of Tristan sleeping in the same bed as me when we were young.

The door was pushed open as more familiar faces rushed in. "Skylar". I breathed out, my eyes blurred up as Andrew lifted her up and placed her beside me on the bed. I hugged her as she relaxed under my arms. "I thought you wearnt gonna wake up Lynni". She sniffed. 

That made me tightened my hold on her. "I'm okay now, how are you". I murmur. "Just a little tired but I'm okay. You don't have to worry about me besides, I'm a big girl remember ". She drawled out like a grown-up.

We all burst out laughing as I relaxed back in the hospital bed with Sky by my side. Everyone was here and when I say everyone I mean everyone. Annie, Andrew, Reese, Dad, Rose, Luke, Adrian and ohh you know Tristan now that he's back with the Doctor in tail.

Everyone kept silent as the Doctor checked my blood pressure then back at his clipboard. "So you suffered from concussion in your head. A little warning, take lots of rest and don't stress your mind alot because its still healing slowly. Take precaution always, however, you'll be discharged tomorrow". He paused as he looked around, the minute he met eyes with dad he nodded.

"I'll take my leave but can I have a word with Mr Mc'David in my office please. Get well soon Angeline". He smiled briefly before exiting. Okay, is it just me or did you find him odd.

Dad came forward and pecked me on the forehead. "You get some rest okay". His eyes wrinkled as he smiled before following after the Doctor.  I stared after him as he disappeared. Is everything okay. I thought.

"Hey guys, what are you all doing here". I asked glancing around. "Obviously here to visit you, hello". Rose fake glared as she stick her tounge out to me. "Shut up Rose, your voice is too squeaky.  Your probably blowing Angie's eardrums". Luke butted in. That got him a punch in the gut by none other than Andrew.

"Haha in your face Luke". Rose teased as she got a nudge on the hips by none other than Annie. We all laughed as they filled me up on the details at school today.

Turns out, I've been in a coma for two whole days. Can you believe it. A light snore on my shoulders alerted me that someone had already fallen asleep.

"Oh someone's already asleep, I'm gonna take them home. Besides we all got school tomorrow and Angie needs her beauty sleep". Andrew said as he lifted Sky into his arms carrying her.

"You all drive home safe okay Andrew. I'm gonna stay here with Angeline". Dad spoke up as he let himself into the room. It had been an hour since he left to talk with the Doctor.

"No its okay Steve, I'm sure you all must be tired. I'll take her of her". I got a glimps of Tristan coming up behind Andrew. He had been quiet and didn't utter a word as he sat in the back with his headphones on for the past one hour.

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