Chapter 18

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"I miss her Lynni". Skylar muttered as I watched her through the mirror. She was in my room all sprawled out on my bed with Reese beside her. "Me too Lynni, I miss having mom around to scold us". Reese mumbled.

Sighing, I dragged my feet to move. Sitting back down on the bed, I copied both of them by lying on my back and staring up at the plain white ceiling.

"I miss her too". I whispered. "How are you both liking it here?" I asked.

"Ohh, it's nice here. I've got a best friend.  Her names Lily, she's quiet but I like her". Sky smiled.

"I hate her". Reese mumbled.  Raising my eyebrows I glanced at him in a funny way.

"Hate her??? That's a... very strong word to use, don't you think?"

"Because she only shared her strawberry cake with Sky and not me".

"Oooh, but your not a baby. I'm sure if you asked, they would have shared". I coo while pinching his now red cheeks from embarrassment.

"You look cute Lynni". Sky placed a peck on my cheek.

"Do I?" I stood up twirling in a dramatic way. I paired Tristan's jersey with my black leggings and hair in a side French braid. Just so you know, nothing special.

Just then the door to my room opened and two mops of blonde hair came in. "Oh my goodness Angie, Annie are you seriously gonna let her go in that". Rose glared at Annie as she came in and hugged me.

Just like me Annie wore leggings and a jersey. "Girl, is that Luke's name I see on your jersey". I smirked at her as she blushed furiously. Well that answers my question.

"Angie, you never told me these two are so adorable.  You must be Reese and Skylar". Rose gushed out as she stalked over to my bed pulling them both into her famous bear hug. Hearing Sky's giggles, Rose let them go. I didn't miss the way Reese's face scrunched up in horror.

"Come on Sky, let's go play in my room". Reese muttered keeping an eye on Rose. They both hugged Annie and I before exiting the room.

"Rose you scared the twins away". Annie stated as she sat on the bean bag beside the widow. "No honey, I did not scare them away. They both love me". Rose brushed Annie off as she went into my closet.

"What makes you think they love you?" I questioned with a laugh. "Darling I'm lovable". She yelled from the closet. Snickering, she emerged from the closet with a high waist short jeans in her hand.

My eyes jumped out as I heard Annie chuckling behind me. "No, no, no. Besides this is comfortable". I gestured to appearance.

"Urgg!! Fine, I give up". She glared as she moved towards me like a tiger.

"Annie do you see what I'm seeing, she thinks she's so innocent here".

"Tristan gave you his jersey?" Annie moved forward as she and Rose high five each other. "We knew it". They both said in unison.

Confused I stared at them ignoring the slight butterflies. "Its just a jersey. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wore it". I stated.

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