Chapter 17

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My breath got hitched in my throat as the palms of my hand began to tremble nervously. "What is this?" I narrowed my eyes at the album in my hand. It was the first thing my eyes landed on when the box was cut open.

"I know this is hard but - " I drowned out dad's voice as I opened it up.

I wasn't exactly ready to face what was inside but I just couldn't ignore the curiosity in my eyes. The first picture was of three babies sleeping together. Two girls dressed in pink pyjamas and a boy in blue pyjamas. At the bottom was something written in neat cursive.

Like a bucket of iced cold water dropped on me, I straight away recognize the writing. It was her writing. Mom's writing to be exact. But how.

'My world. Annie, Angeline and Andrew Mc'David ' How is this even possible?

Swallowing the gulp down my throat, I flipped the page over. The next one was a family picture taken in the hospital for check ups. It again consisted of the three of us including both mom and dad.

My brains began to get foggy as I sat here looking as confused as I've never been. No one dared to say a word as I continued flipping through each pages. I raked my brains to at least remember something from all these pictures that seemed so foreign. But sadly none rang a bell.

Why didn't mom tell me any of these before? Why--why did she keep me in the dark?

"How is this even possible, I don't understand". My voice broke away as I looked up meeting dad's eyes. I could feel the bile rise in my throat.

"When you first walked through those doors those weeks ago, I was dead on telling you but I stopped myself. You looked so tired and drained of energy. There was clear evidence of stress in your posture, voice and I just couldn't add onto all that with the truth. I, we wanted to wait till you've settled in well then we'd come clean and tell you the whole truth". Dad started softly.

His voice was low and smooth like the waves afraid it would tear me up.

Dropping my gaze back to the album, I continued with flipping the pages.

My mind was all over the place, all thoughts jumbled in one big huge mess.

All of sudden my fingers layed frozen over the page. My heart did more than a double take in as I stared down at the picture with nothing but shock plastered on my face.

Annie, me and a boy that wasn't Andrew were dressed up as the three musketeers all getting ready for what I assume would be Halloween costume party or something.

Squinting my eyes at the boy in the picture, this time, my heart did a back flip on its own. His familiar hazel eyes shown with laughter. "We were inseparable". Annie muttered lowly. I looked up with shock. "They used to call us the three musketeers". Tristan murmured softly.

Glancing at them both, they had a far away look in their eyes.

"We used to be bestfriends back then". Annie whispered out.

The more I worked my brains to remember, a sharp pain sliced through head. Squinting uncomfortably on the bed, I shut my eyelids tightly.

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