meant for each other

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thirty-two | meant for each other

(We are gonna backtrack a little bit, sorry! Harry is just getting home from the bakery)

Harry's pov:

"Lou! I'm home!" Harry shouted as he closed the door and took Cliff's lead off.

"Where were you?" Lou says as he enters the front entryway.

"At the bakery with Cliff, I told you before I left silly! I lost track of time. I didn't realize we were there that long," Harry said, leaning forward to kiss Lou's forehead but was immediately pushed away by his tattoo-covered arms.

"What's wrong, baby?" Harry asked in a concerned tone.

"Don't 'baby' me. Who were you with?"

"What do you mean?"

"Who were you with?" Louis repeated.

"Oliver called, he said that he saw you and some random dude at the bakery!"

"Wait, Oliver called? You answered? Was he stalking me?"

"Stop trying to change the subject! Who were you with?"

"Okay, I was with Zayn!"

"Likely story,"

"It's the truth Boobear, he needed to talk, he is going through something right now,"

"If it really was Zayn, why wouldn't you tell me?"

"He didn't want anyone else to know until he talked it out first"

"Who was it?"

"IT WAS ZAYN!" Harry yelled, he didn't want to but he needed to knock some sense into Lou.

Harry took a deep breath to try and calm down a bit.

"Why don't you trust me, Lou?"

"I thought I did bu-"

"But what? You are going to take the word of your sleazy, mentally insane, abusive ex-boyfriend, over mine?"

Lou was silent.

"Do you really think I would have marched over to his house the second I found out what he did to you and beat his ass if I was cheating on you? C'mon Lou, you have known me for ten years and you actually think I am the type of guy who would cheat!"

"YOU WHAT??" Louis yelled, completely shocked.

"Why in the hell would you do something like that and not tell me about it?"

"Lou, look I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, I should have, I will own up to that because I know that I should have told you, but Lou, I will not own up to cheating, because that, I will never do! I love you, Lou, I was just trying to protect you!"

"Harry, I don't need your protection!" Louis shouted.

"Says who?"

"I'm fine, I promise!" Lou sighed.

"Lou, you aren't fine. You started to believe in Oliver again, trust in him. You aren't okay, what he did to you was unacceptable and incredibly wrong, it has left you with scars, not just the physical ones but the emotional ones that need time to heal and they can't heal unless you do something about it. You need help, you can't do this on your own Lou, you see? You do need my protection,"

"Hazzie" Louis cried out bolting towards Harry's chest, clinging on for dear life.

"I should've trusted you, I'm so sorry!"

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