Elias 4.9

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Few days had passed since the argument Elias had with Felix and the revelation that he was a dryad and the prince could not help but feel his stomach churn in discomfort with the situation. The thing that kept Elias uneased was the fact he did not remember the lady that haunted him.

He knew there was a woman, mother of the princess, and that she had done something to him to make him hate her. He just did not remember what.

He did not remember her name nor her face, only that she was a dancer from Siodonna and did something to him to hate her.

Elias bit his lips.

Another thing that kept Elias overwhelmed was with his identity. The fact that he was a dryad. Apparently, Chrysanthos was also a dryad. Claude had passed Elias's grandmother's diary to him.

The more he read the more he felt like his life was full of surprises and the world was full of wonders and finally occurred to him, outside the palace was full of mysteries he was not aware of.

"My prince, what are you reading?"

Elias looked over his shoulder to give his attention to Nikolas.

"I am skimming through my grandmother's diary."

Elias answered before turning back to the diary in his hands.

Nikolas took a peek at the content before gasping and taking it away from the prince.

"My prince, you are too young to be reading 'Male Dryad & Male Partner'! Who gave you this?!"

Elias pouted as he watched Nikolas express his appall over a five year old reading about same sex reproduction system. He had only skimmed through it and was about to read. He just missed his chance!

"Dad gave it to me."

The attendant paused as if he had heard of something he should not have. Slowly turning to Elias, Nikolas stared at his prince with wide eyes.

"Did you say the emperor?"

"That's right."
Nikolasa quickly turned around and whispered something beneath his breath and then focused his attention on Elias with a smile.

"Your highness, I will confiscate this until you are of age. For now, I will send a word to my mother and hopefully she will give lessons to both you and the emperor about dryads."

"You know about dryads, Nikol?"

Nikolas grinned widely.

"Of course, for I am one as well."

Elias gasped.


"Dryads have their own special ability. The special ability is separate to what is the norm for dryads. It is normal for dryads to live their lives as long as their 'heart' is intact, reproducing disregarding the kind of gender, and have a large pool of mana."

Elias pursed his lips together and he gave a cautious look at the man in front of him.

His hair was a dark green and his eyes were also green but light green. He carried himself magically and wisely, something that Elias could not exactly pinpoint what unnerved him.

This man was Gavril Daphne, a baron. Gavril looked fierce. If there was anything Elias could describe him as then Elias could say a bear. A wise, fierce bear.

"Your highness, do you have any questions?"

Maybe even gentle as well. It was weird how Gavril would look at him with kind and gentle eyes full of love. It was the first time they met!

"How do I know what my special ability is?"

Elias squeaked a little and blushed a little. How embarrassing!

Gavril chuckled.

"It is the leaves of your 'heart.' Have someone eat it."

Elias's eyes twinkled as he stood up and hastily made his way to his room to pluck two leaves of his 'heart' before making his way to Claude. Gavril followed a few steps behind the prince.

"Dad! Dad!"

Elias called out and he pushed the doors of Claude's office open. Claude placed down the papers he was looking at and had his attention on his son.

"Elias, don't walk too fast."

Claude lightly scolded Elias as he stood up and approached his son to pick him up.

"What's got you exci— Mp!"

Claude flinched as Elias shoved the leaves inside the emperor's mouth. Clearly surprised that Elias was pushing his fingers deeper into Claude's mouth, the emperor involuntarily swallowed and frowned and pulled Elias's hand away.

"Elias... I think you should take etiquette lessons."

"Never mind that, dad. How do you feel?!"

Elias clenched on Claude's robes and shook the emperor for answers. Looking disdainful, the emperor had no idea what Elias was referring to.

Gavril, who was looking at the whole scene, tilted his head in curiosity before he approached the royals.

"Your majesty, do you have golden leaves on your person?"

Claude frowned before nodding. He pulled out a golden diamond locket.

"I have few golden leaves inside this locket."

Gavril nodded before continuing.

"Have you eaten them?"

Claude tilted his head as he thought back.

"Yes, I used to have headaches but every time I ate one of these leaves, I would feel better and lighter. Now I have no use on eating them but I like to have them on me."

Elias awed in wonder and turned to Gavril.

"So these leaves can heal?"

Gavril hummed.

"Why don't we use it on someone who is actually in need of healing to make sure?"

Elias nodded.

"On who?"

"I heard Sir Felix is with the physician because he is suffering a horrible headache. I went to see him before coming to see you, my prince. To me, it didn't seem like a normal headache."

The prince blinked in surprise. Felix was hurting? He had not even realized. Though, it was weird. Felix was the most healthy person Elias ever met. For the knight to be rendered incapable because of a head was unheard of, especially if it was Felix.

Claude glared at Gavril and was about to say something but Elias answered first.

"Let's go!"

The emperor sighed in distaste. To have someone else have a taste of his son's heart, it was unacceptable but Claude could not find it in himself to deny Elias when the prince was looking too worried.

"I have a word with Felix so I'll go with you."

Elias smiled happily as Claude moved to leave the office with Gavril following behind them.

"Ten steps."

Gavril chuckled but complied.

[WMMaP] Elias de Alger ObeliaWhere stories live. Discover now