Elias 1.2

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Elias did not know what to do. He never learned what to do in past life on how to react when there was some unknown person in his room in the middle of the night. He only kept his eyes closed.

He had a feeling someone had been visiting every night but this was the first time Elias was actually awake.

Feeling something warm touch his forehead, Elias snapped his eyes open. There was a man, his eyes were like jewels and his hair blond but he was not the man Elias had seen the day he was taken out of the dusty room.

This person looked similar but that was it. They only had similarities.

"You're awake."

He simply stated.

The man outlined Elias' features with his fingertips. His eyes were soft and held wonder and affection. They were emotions that Elias was not used to.

"You look a lot like Chrys..."

His eyes trailed down to Elias's leg. His fingers gently traced over it.

"It's not your fault, Claude."

There was a voice by the door. 'Claude' turned to look with wide eyes behind him. Claude shook his head.

"I could not protect him."

"I could not either..."

Elias heard footsteps approach his crib and then he saw him. It was the beautiful man who had taken him out of the dusty room.

The man stood beside Claude and they both looked at Elias.

Elias remained quiet as he carefully looked at their appearance.

Gold blond hair and blue eyes that looked like crystals. The beautiful man looked exhausted and his eyes seemed to glance off somewhere.


"Claude, take care of Elias... will you?"


The beautiful man, Chrys, smiled and picked Elias up before he turned to the rocking chair that was placed by the window.

Elias felt comfort just by being in Chrys's arms. Warm and secure, it was a contrast to Chrys's eyes that kept glancing somewhere in the corner.

"Nothing is your fault... take care of each other okay?"

Chrys said as he sat on the chair and gently rocked it.

Elias's eyes felt heavy. The warmth that Chrys gave him felt safe. It was like only Chrys would be able to understand Elias.

Slumber came to take Elias's consciousnesses but the baby prince was startled awake when Chrys flinched.

He later snorted as relaxed and his eyes that no longer held fear slowly started to close as well.

How weird.

Chrys feared something that was in the corner of the room but now he looked like he was finally relaxing.

The chair slowly stopped rocking and the beautiful man looked like he was sleeping. His arms around Elias stayed in place.


Claude called out as he knelt in front of the sleeping man. He called again but Chrys showed no signs of waking up.

Elias realized Chrys was becoming cold.

Claude panicked and tried to take Chrys's hand only to find it unmovable. His hand was so hard. Soon his skin started to turn in color.

Claude quickly took Elias out of Chrys's arms and moved away. Chrys's skin turned brown and his body started to grow sprouts and roots.

Another man bolted into the room and picked the growing Chrys and jumped out the window to the greenery outside and placed the roots on the ground.

The roots dug down and set itself as branches extended. The leaves were vibrant green and gold flowers bloomed.

On the trunk, Chrys was still there like a statue and in peace. It was like someone had carved it on the trunk.

Claude and Elias could do nothing but watch what happened. Chrys had turned into a tree, the most beautiful tree that was behind the emperor's room.


Elias was in his room again. Chrys and Claude did not appear after that night.

From what Liora told him, Claude was crowned as Emperor and he became Claude's son.

Liora smiled weakly.

"There was nothing to become. You were his majesty's son from the moment you were born."

Elias did not understand. His father who was the previous emperor was his father. So how was it that Claude, the previous emperor's younger brother, actually his father?

Liora must have wanted to hide the fact that Chrys had thrown him away and dumped his responsibilities on Claude. His uncle must really hate him.

To dump a child at a very young age, his father must hate Elias very much.

That day Chrys looked at him with such warm eyes and held him so gently, He must be relieved to be free from himself.

"His majesty is busy with the banquet the previous emperor prepared for him. It lasts for about three days."

Liora informed Elias. The young prince did not respond and kept his eyes on his father who became a tree.

Elias wondered if all royals became trees after they died. Maybe not because Claude looked just as surprised as he was.

Noticing that Elias was staring at the previous emperor tree, Liora gave him a pitiful smile.

"Shall we visit his majesty, Chrysanthos?"

Elias did not respond but Liora stood up from the rocking chair and they went to the Emperor tree.

The young prince stared at Chrys's figure on the tree without much thought. In his arms, there was a blanket placed. Liora liked to put Elias in the wooden arms and the baby prince did not mind it too much. He liked being the arms of his father.

Although his father did not love him, being in his arms made him feel like he was loved. He did not mind that it was fake.

Elias nudged his cheeks against the blanket and sleep came to take him. Elias could sleep without any nightmares if it was in the wooden arms of his father.

Liora noticed that and every night, when it was time to sleep, she would place him in Chrys's arms. After making sure that he wouldn't fall and had closed his eyes, Liora would sing him to sleep.

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