Elias 2.3

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Since then, Elias had changed considerably.

He was brighter and smiled more. He would sing out praises and he was not embarrassed to "seduce" people.

Be it young or old, as long as they showed some kind of love towards him, Elias would start trying hard to get more of their affection. 

At first it was Felix. Claude was passing Elias over to Felix. Their tea time was over and Claude had to go back to work. Just as Elias got comfortable in Felix's arm, Elias snuggled... SNUGGLED against Felix's neck.

Felix froze and started sweating. Claude was shocked and glared so hard at Felix.

Claude's anger was extinguished when Elias had run to him when it was night. The cute awkward steps Elias took when he "ran" to wrap his arms around his leg and rub his cheeks against it, Claude felt himself melt.

The emperor later learned that Elias was doing so to Liora and Nikolas as well.

Was he being given the same treatment as his subjects?

"I see you like your servants..."

Claude prickly said as he narrowed his eyes. Elias, who sat on his legs, turned to look at him and tilted his head before smiling so brightly.

"Yes, I like them because they like me."

"Is. That. So."

Elias nodded - totally not noticing that his father's mood had soured.

"Yes. I like that they like me but dad, I love you for loving me."

His glare and anger had disappeared like it was never there and he stared at Elias wrapping his short arms around his body and snuggled against him.

Placing his hand on Elias's head, he let his long and lean finger brush against the soft and silky locks.

Claude decided to be satisfied with being the only Elias loved and that Elias liked the people who were close to him.

That was what Claude had decided... but...

There was this one time where Elias met the fifteenth prince from Arlanta Kingdom. The prince had come for international affairs.

Elias and Nour had hit it off right off the bat. They would have tea times together and Elias would boldly hug Nour and nudge his head against the hand that landed in his head.

They were five years apart but Prince Nour was very good looking and treated Elias with respect and care.

The way Elias changed made Claude massage vein that was popping out of his temple. It was like this was Elias's true character, a child full of love that wanted more love from the people that loved him.

There were some nobles that noticed Elias character and tried to get near him. Fortunately, Elias could differentiate people who really loved him and people who acted like they loved him but actually wanted to use him.

The crown prince was like Chrys. He caused trouble but unlike Chrys - who wanted to escape from the palace - Elias caused trouble in different ways.

Claude glared at the prince of Arlanta Kingdom drinking tea with Elias. Nour noticed his presence and looked up to where Claude stood before smiling back at Elias and telling him something. Elias responded and wide smile and a slight blush on his face.

Claude's frown darkened as he stared at them.


"What do you like?"

Claude had asked one evening. Father and son were having their tea time in Claude's chamber and Elias sat on Claude's legs.


Elias responded without giving a thought as he chewed on the cake.

Claude paused as he tried to process what Elias had just answered.

"What do you love?"


"You are aware that I am not an object, correct?"

"I like spending time with dad and I love it when dad gives me attention."

The answer silenced Claude as he stared at his bold son. Was he not embarrassed to say such things?

"Elias, I was asking if there was anything you want for your birthday."


Elias tilted his head as he piled his mouth with desserts. Claude's hand moved to clean the caramel sauce that stuck on his child's cheek.

"Get married to dad?"

Elias jokingly responded. Claude smirked and poked Elias's head.

"Father and son cannot get married, Elias."

Elias whimpered a little and hummed in thought.

"Then get married to Felix."

Claude frowned.

"You are too young to get married."

Elias gasped in surprise.

"But dad, Nour is married to his sister Isis. He was married to her since he was born."

Claude snorted as he stirred his tea with a tea spoon.

"That is because they are not as important as you, Elias. You don't have to get married if you don't want to."

Elias dropped his gaze.

"Then I want to be with dad and Felix and Liora and Nikolas and then."

"And then?"

Elias smiled as his cheeks burned red.

"When I am old enough, I'll get married with Felix."

Claude wondered if he should warn Felix to run away because it was either the emperor hunting for his neck or the crown prince hunting his hand in marriage.


Felix was in deep trouble. Not only did he have Claude, his closest friend, glaring at him and the crown prince confess his intentions towards him, but Felix was getting won over by the young crown prince who was sixteen years younger than him.

He was getting won over by a four year old who was soon turning five!

"Felix... what's wrong? You don't feel well?"

Felix felt cold sweat forming on his temple as he smile at the crown prince.

"No need to worry. I am very well."

Elias sighed out in relief.

"I am glad. I'd be sad if Felix fell ill."

"Why's that?"

"Because I would not be able to see your handsome face."

The burn that Felix felt on his face was uncontrollable. Elias was four years old! The redhead knight should not feel so conscious around the young prince!

How did this happen?


"Yes, your highness."

Felix squeaked as he nervously waited for the prince to continue.

"Do you believe in first love?"

"Your highness?"

"Or should I pass again?"

Felix's heart just couldn't take it.

[WMMaP] Elias de Alger ObeliaWhere stories live. Discover now