Extra Chapter

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Golden Dreams (2)


Chrys glared down at his son, Elias. Elias stood in front of two cribs and each crib rested a baby each. One baby had blond hair and the other had brown hair. Chrys had given his child the authority to name his little siblings but the little rascal was a real pain to deal with, especially the stubbornness that the little prince inherited from whoever but the Emperor.


The emperor of Obelia was in the middle of pondering if he should prohibit the use of "why" and make it into a law. Even if he knew that making it into a rule was insanely stupid, he was desperate to stop his son from asking why.

"Naming your sisters "Monkey" and "Chick" is not nice."

Chrys gave a sound argument.

"But father, you're not nice either."

Elias gave a sound rebuttal.

This little rascal... Chrys did not say anything back at Elias because it was true. The emperor would not paint himself as a saint. The young prince did watch him bully an annoying innocent lady. No matter how many times Chrys was upfront with the lady, she just didn't get that he wanted nothing to do with her. For egging on his nerves when he was already annoyed and stressed with the boring official papers to sign and review, Chrys had her exiled from the Empire.

There was another time when Chry had bullied Jane to drink an aphrodisiac and work for the whole day just to sate his boredom. The bully emperor had his knight, Andreas watch Jane and then report it at the end of the day. He greatly enjoyed the suffering and pained look Andreas had on his face.

Weirdly enough, Elias was somehow there whenever it happened and Chrys never thought of hiding his character... that is until today. Maybe he should have babied the child more and the child would remain more as a spoiled child... No, that would be a nightmare of its own.

After some thinking, Chrys spoke up.

"I am not nice for a good cause. You are just plainly not being nice. Actually, how do you know about chickens and monkeys? You're stuck in this hideous palace."

"What do you mean? You called Earl Detriech an ugly monkey and Marquis Floyd a headless chicken. I only assumed you called them such because of their hair color."

Chrys was silenced. He did not know whether to be devastated with how his son was growing up or be amazed that he connected the dots like that.

Giving up, Chrys turned to look at Claude who was standing along with Diana as they watched the scene in front of them just like Anastasius was doing sitting on a wheelchair. Noticing Chry looking at him, Chrys cocked his head towards Elias.

"Deal with him." was what Chrys was trying to interpret to Claude.

Claude was silent for a moment, obviously pondering how to approach the youngest prince that "monkey" and "chick" are not names. Slowly, Claude approached Elias. Noticing his dad inching closer, Elias immediately pulled his arms out, asking to be picked up. Without thinking it twice, Claude picked his son up and brushed the fringe away before pecking him on the forehead.

"Elias, Monkey and Chick are not real names. Imagine if your name were to be "Monkey" or "Chick"?"

Instantly, Elias made a face.

"But I don't know names."

Chrys realized where the problem lied. He should have given the child a book of names with its meanings. Elias probably wanted to give them special and unique names but Anastasius broke into the conversation.

"Then how about we name the children and Elias can give them pet names."

"I like that!"

Elias brightened up when the responsibility was taken off his shoulder and Claude nodded in agreement. The three of them looked at Chrys for his response.

The idiots, just when Chrys was enjoying his son being all nervous about giving his siblings names. He wouldn't be able to say 'no' when they were looking at him with expectations.

"Fine, we will do just that."

Liberated from the task, Elias cheered.

Thus the name, Athanasia (Elias mentioned he did not want the throne) and Jennette, were given to the girls.

[WMMaP] Elias de Alger ObeliaWhere stories live. Discover now