Extra Chapter

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Claude de Alger Obelia

After the death of Chrys, life became cluttered. The day Chrys had passed away was the day before Claude had turned fourteen. He became emperor on his birthday and Chrys had prepared the three day long banquet to celebrate his coronation.

Claude could not be happy. How could he be happy after the death of his brother. It sicken him to see the nobles laugh and smile when his brother had just passed away yesterday.

At the third and last day of the banquet, Claude sighed in relief that it was the last. After the ball, he would go see Elias... could he go see Elias?

Elias looked like Chrys... could Claude handle seeing the child he shared with Chrys?

The crowned emperor did not have the courage to see his son. Not when he felt like he was the reason Chrys had died. If only he hadn't been cursed... then Chrys would have not died...

Music was played and everyone let out gasped and were awestruck.

Curious what was making the nobles's mouth hang open, Claude's eyes followed what they were seeing.

Light blond hair that seem to shine majestically and pink eyes that were so magical made Claude stand there in awe. His heart thumped just as hard. Maybe not as hard as when Chrys was close to him but still looking at her made him feel... something.

So Claude sent Felix to have the dancer spend the night with him.


After that night, Claude just loved her. Her melodic voice soothed his mind and he felt like he was healed by being around her.

It had been three weeks since the end of the ball.

Claude had heard voices which woke him up so early in the morning. The emperor turned to look outside and saw the nanny and his child where Chrys rested.

Claude felt like water had splashed over his head when he remembered, he had a son and he had neglected him. He stood up and made his way towards them.

Liora, the nanny, had noticed him and bowed to him.

"How do you hold a baby?"

How could he forget the most precious child Chrys had left him? Something... something was wrong with him.

His eyes never left Elias as Liora picked the young prince up while she explained how to hold a baby. Claude nodded and stretched his arms towards Elias, eager to finally hold his child.

"Your majesty?"

His mind and heart felt like it had flipped the moment he heard Diana's voice. Elias did not feel as important.

The emperor felt like something was wrong with him until he saw the breathtaking dancer he had fallen in love.

Without much thought, he ordered for Elias to be returned to his room. Claude approached Diana. Her eyes were on Elias. Something flashed through her eyes but before Claude could take a closer look, it was gone.

"That child..."


He had to tell her that Elias was his son. He had to tell her that he was the precious and only child Chrys had left behind.

Something was wrong... it was not wanted but had... why did he have to tell her? Why wasn't it want to tell her?

Also, that second when something had flash through her eyes... it did not sit well with him.

[WMMaP] Elias de Alger ObeliaWhere stories live. Discover now