Elias 6.6

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"When do I have to stop reminding you to stop overusing your leg? You're not fully healed."

Lucas sighed as he waved his mana to assuage the swelling. He was not an expert in the medical field so all he could do was either prevent a cold and heal swellings.

A white magician would have been able to heal Elias. The White Master had a special class of mana and he was able to turn his mana into stone so his followers could use it as a conductor. Apparently, only those selected by the White Master were able to use it.

Also those bastards were not easy to find. The White Master had isolated himself inside. When was it the last time he had seen the old man?

Lucas sighed as he turned his attention to a bashful prince while his hands started to work on bandaging the leg.

"When I get married to yo—OW!"

The raven magician tightened the bandage.

Elias whimpered as he nursed his leg and bandaged the leg himself. The prince totally missed his chance to see Lucas blush and he huffed as he turned away while fanning his face.

"You're an idiot."

"I won't argue with that. Now, what is it that you want to tell me?"

Elias asked as he leaned his back against the grand sofa comfortably.

Lucas allowed himself to sit next to the prince and took careful look at him, like inspecting every corner of his being with his eyes.

It was weird to Elias. Even though he was used to Claude, Felix, Liora, Nikolas, his friends, and the prince would even dare say his whinny and complicated sister looking at him as if he were made of glass, the look Lucas gave him just felt different. It was the same look but there was something else in it. It was as if Lucas knew something.

Now that Elias thought about it, ever since Elias was young Lucas tried to stay somewhere close where Lucas could see him. The prince felt like he was trying to protect him.

From what? He was not sure.

Lucas seemed troubled, like he was debating whether to say it or not. It was quite pitiful. The magician that earned the title of youngest genius magician in the Magician Tower was trouble with whatever was running through his mind.

The prince chuckled a little and used his hand to caress the tense cheek.

"I don't know what you are worrying about but aren't you with me? I doubt I will be hurt by anything with you around me."

The black mage looked like he was hit with something as he stared wide eyes at the prince. The prince did not understand what was the cause of getting such a surprise look but Lucas quickly broke into a brave and confident smile.

He leaned him and gently knocked his forehead against Elias's and looked at him in the eyes.

He leaned him and gently knocked his forehead against Elias's and looked at him in the eyes

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"You're right."

Lucas finally said.

"I found you quickly this time and I got lucky."

Elias raised a brow. This beautiful magician was saying some kind of riddles again. The prince could only guess that each beautiful person had a perk or two like Claude, who was extremely beautiful but lacked facial motor, or Felix, who was extremely handsome but seemed to be obsessed and in denial with Athanasia's mother.

"Don't worry, I will protect at least you from this world."

Elias snickered.

"You sound like a prince from a fairytale."

"Ha... I would be no fairytale prince... I would be a nightmare."

The prince did not answer but wondered if that was the case. If it was, Lucas would be a beautiful nightmare.


In the end, Lucas did not tell the prince anything. He did have to for Elias would always be safe with him by the prince side. The raven mage got extremely lucky this time in this world.

That was right. In this world, Elias was still alive. He had found Elias alive. The one he searched and went as far as traveling between worlds and killing the Lucas of that world if it was necessary had paid off.

Just before he was awakened by Elias, Lucas had fought against the existing Lucas. He went as far as going to the world tree and beat it up to take its fruit and a branch to fight and kill the existing Lucas. After the fight, he had decided to rest a little before searching for Elias.

Who would have thought the prince would come to him instead?

He was so surprised when he felt something topple over him and smack his lips and even more surprised when he was filled with energy. It was similar to eating the World Tree's fruits. So he had opened his eyes to see what was giving him energy only to see Elias looking at him with wide eyes. The moment Lucas had seen Elias, he had recognized him.

So after the prince had escaped from his grasp and saw him again not so long after in a critical state, Lucas felt his heart drop. Never in his life did the raven mage think he would resent the fact that he did not have aptitude to heal. It took the whole day to heal the prince when it would have taken seconds for a white mage to heal someone with asthma. He got so lucky.

Once the prince was safe, Lucas sighed in relief. Right after, the raven had seen the prince's memories when ehe was sleeping. The magician cursed under his breath at the attempted assassination by a woman with a very blurry face. It was weird. How only that woman's face was so blurry when it was someone Elias resented very much. Even the call of her name was silent but Lucas knew who that woman was anyway. He had met her once.

Either way, the woman was not of his concern now. She was dead and this Elias was still alive.

He left the prince after excusing himself and made his way to deal with one of people who would bring harm to Elias.


At last, he found the person he was looking for just a few doors away.

That person coldy looked at Lucas within the shadows.

[WMMaP] Elias de Alger ObeliaWhere stories live. Discover now