Elias 1.5

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Diana by no means was a bad person. She was truly kind and gentle, maybe a bit prickly in the side but that was because she was still young.

If Elias was not wrong, Chrysanthos had Elias when he was sixteen and had dumped his responsibility on thirteen - now fourteen - year old teenagers.

In Elias's previous life, having a child at these ages would create waves of whispers and fingers would be pointed at them. In this life, it was not that weird.

So Claude was reigning the whole empire at the age of fourteen.

It was a heavy responsibility on a teenager. He would obviously need someone to rely on times where responsibility was too much to take on.

Diana was the one Claude had chosen and he loved her for being there by his side. Her gentleness and her smile healed him from all the loss and heartache Claude had suffered.

She really loved Claude as he was and she loved the child inside her stomach. They were happy and Elias did not want to break that happiness.

But ever since the 'accident' Claude would visit Elias once a week.

On the days he saw Elias, he learned how to hold him. He had also witnessed Elias try to stand and Claude would at times help him stand since he could not walk because of his right leg.

What seemed to dissatisfy Claude was Elias's lack of speech.

"Is it normal for babies not to make a sound?"

Liora shook her head.

"I am not a physician but I've read in books that babies that lack expression and not try talking is because they are emotionally hurt."

Claude frowned as he coldly stared down at Elias.

He was probably thinking that Elias was a waste of space.

"Your majesty! It is Lady Diana!"

It was sudden but Claude ignored the rude behavior of the servant that had slammed the door open. The panicked state the servant was in meant only bad news.

Claude ran out of the room and Elias guessed that he was probably going to Diana. He did not feel hurt that Claude had left him. He did not have the right to feel so.

Wanting to focus on something other than the sinking feeling on his chest, Elias turned to look at Nikolas. Noticing the attention, Nikolas knelt down to carry the young prince.

"Is there something that matters, your highness?"

Elias pointed outside at the grand tree.

"Right away."

Nikolas made his way to the grand tree. Ilana and Liora followed closely behind.

As they arrived, Nikolas placed Elias within the wooden arms. Elias wrapped his arms around the neck and stood on the arm.

Elias once thought that he was glad that his parents had turned into a tree because then he would be able to imagine that he was really loved. That was becoming exhausting. To love and be able to get that love back.

From his previous life, he knew that he would not be loved even if he loved first. Even if he was someone who could be relied on, people would just try and take advantage of him. Especially in this life since he was a crown prince.

Basically his life meant nothing.

'Four years?'

Elias nodded. Four years was enough time for him to live before leaving this life. No one would take advantage of him at that age.

He had four years.


Elias learned that Diana would die if she gave birth to her child. The reason was because her body could not take the immense quantity of mana the baby had.

Elias had seen Claude stress and scream out in anger whenever he slept. He did not know how he was able to see when he was sleeping in his room.

But that was the least of his concern.

He was more worried about Claude. He hated the child that would take Diana away.

He had also been coming to Elias's room almost every day and held Elias close to his chest. The young prince did not struggle.

The dark circles that hung under Claude's eyes were so noticeable that Elias did not have the heart to reject his uncle. Claude would always feel better after holding Elias close.

Today, Claude looked especially tired as he held Elias in his arms. He had been carrying the young prince around in circles before he stepped out of the room to the grand tree.

This was the first time Elias had come to the grand tree together with Claude. Claude looked like he was avoiding so it surprised Elias that he had come here together with Elias.


Claude called out and of course there was no response from Chrys.

"You are the only one I could love no matter how twisted and wrong you were. I don't even care that you left me with Elias. Diana... was the person I didn't want to make her cry... But she doesn't feel the same way. She intends to leave me for the child who is eating her away...

Chrys, I don't think there will ever be anyone who does not want to make me cry..."

Elias stared at Claude who was gazing off out of thought and he felt empty. Claude did not even care that Elias was dumped on him. Elias was not an existence of importance to Claude.

This was total indifference.

Claude blinked in surprise and turned to look at Elias. His widened more and moved his hands to the baby's cheeks.

"This is the first time you've cried..."


He was crying? Elias had not noticed the tears that were falling nonstop.

"Are you... are you crying for me?"

Claude whispered but Elias could not care about what Claude said. He felt so hurt. It pained him.

He already knew that he was not important. He was aware of the fact that he was not loved.

But the fact that he was crying... maybe he was hoping for his uncle to like him a little since he was seeing him so much. Maybe he was expecting Claude's attention.

Even though it was only a bit of hope and expectation, to be answered with indifference... for it to pain him this much meant that even the slightest hope... the hurt that it would would be immense.

Claude pushed Elias's head on his shoulder and comfortingly patted the small back.

The tears did not stop. Claude had said something but Elias was too busy trying to organize his messy and cluttered feelings.

Elias never wanted to die as much as now.

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