Elias 6.2

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"Roses are red, violets are blue. I keep falling in love. Falling in love with you."


Claude called out as he stopped signing the official papers. He took this chance to look at the now thirteen year old prince. The prince was currently getting experience by looking at official papers. He was also watching over a small fief in the outskirts of the city to gain experience on watching over a land and its people.

Elias had grown a lot and thanks to Lucas, Elias was able to at least walk around without a cane. He couldn't exactly run but the prince was not discouraged. He was grateful just being able to walk without a cane. Lucas did tell him he shouldn't strain his leg since the tendons were still sensitive.

Nevertheless, Elias did not pay much attention to the call of the emperor.

"I have seen the sun and it shines as bright as your smile. I have seen the moon, it's as beautiful as your eyes. I've seen shooting stars, they fall as I fell for you at first sight."

"... Elias."

These days, Elias had taken up a new hobby. He liked to recite poems and tried to make new ones as well, no matter how horrible they were.

"You are flipping papers but my heart is flipping over you."

He also never forgot to add a pick up line in the end.


The voice tightened and the prince finally let go of the quill and turned his full attention towards Claude. Elias smiled contently just by having Claude look at him. The prince's cheeks reddened and his heart felt like it was beating faster and faster. Suddenly the attention became too much for him that Elias involuntarily glanced away from Claude.

Claude stared at Elias. Just recently as well, Elias would start turning red whenever their eyes met. The emperor was worried that the prince was sick and called for a physician but Elias created a mayhem to refuse the physician. It was first and hopefully the last argument the emperor would have with Elias since he hated the silent treatment the young prince gave.

"What seems to be the matter, Claude?"

Another thing, Elias stopped calling Claude 'dad.' Not completely, only whenever Elias thought he was in trouble or whenever they were alone, Elias called Claude 'dad.' While it was unbecoming of a prince to call their parents by their name, Claude did not really mind even if it did leave Claude a bit saddened. No matter, he had a daughter who still called him 'dad.'

"Stop reciting poems and refrain from using pickup lines during work."

"Then can I whisper the words of love under the blankets?"

How could Elias be so shameless? How did he grow up to be like that? Who did he get it from? Certainly not Claude and obviously not Chrys... or maybe it was Chrys with his attitude. Chrys always said what he had in his head. Maybe it was the same with Elias...


Seeing that Elias had misinterpreted his silence Claude decided to remain silent. Just so he could see the prince fret over nothing. He always found Elias adorable whenever he worried. An upset and sulking prince might be the end result but Claude enjoyed comforting the prince even though he was the one who caused the prince to be in a bad mood.

"Come on, dad. Don't be angry."

The prince stood up and made his way to Claude. It plainly obvious the prince was stealing cautious glances at the emperor and really, Claude enjoyed Elias's constant worrying.

Suddenly, Elias paused and frowned. Claude raised a brow at the suddenness.

"Why are you smirking? Were you playing me?"

Ah, he screwed up. Claude stood to start comforting the prince but alas, the prince was already at the door.

"I had enough!"

And the door slammed. Claude paused for a second to wonder what the prince had enough of.


"I don't understand what exactly you're angry about."

Meli sighed.

The young master of Elaine was making himself comfortable on the sofa located in the prince's art room as he waited for the prince — who was behind an oriental four panel divider. The prince's art room was built for Elias for the purpose of meeting with his friends. Meli and Lykos were the only ones who were constantly invited over. It was to the point they could walk there without someone guiding them there.

These days, Meli came over more often than Lykos. The young master of Jarvis was infatuated with the princess the moment he met her during one of their gatherings. Elias had invited his sister to meet his friend. Athanasia seemed to also find Lykos attractive. Ever since, the two of them would send each other letters and now Duchess Jarvis and Claude were talking and planning their engagement and wedding.

Just as Lykos and Athanasia got closer, Meli and Elias became great friends. Sure Meli had few loose screws — Meli would definitely not want to hear that from Elias — but the prince learned that it was because of Meli's past.

Apparently, the current head of Elaine had sold his distant relative's son when she passed away and kept and raised Meli's older twin sister. Mostly likely planned to have her marry his son to get the title and fortune.

Meli was actually found by Duke Oleander, a relative of his late father. Elias would not think too deeply about Meli's past but it still left the prince impressed and looked up at the boy who was around the same age as Athanasia. Meli was able to return to the Elaine Household with Duke Oleander's help and for the sake to keep his sister away from his insanity and all the adult drama between the Marquis and Duke, his twin sister was sent to the Duke's home as a person the Duke was supporting. Meli stayed behind since he was the heir of Elaine.

"You like it when his majesty teases you."

Meli drawled.

Elias flushed and looked away.

"Looking away won't erase the fact that you were caught. Anyway, you better make up with his majesty. It is annoying listening to your useless vent."

"... Meli, has anyone told you how mean and opportunistic you are?"

"Ah, it's a long overused compliment but I don't mind hearing from you, your highness."

Meli grinned and Elias tiredly sighed as he shook his head but a smile still managed to appear on his lips.

"Lykos won't be joining us today?"

Meli inquired as he glanced at the time.

"He is spending time with Athanasia."

Elias heard his best friend hum in disappointment.

[WMMaP] Elias de Alger ObeliaWhere stories live. Discover now