Reason of TMP & EdAO

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I wanted to write my reason as to why I started Chrys and Elias when I finished the book but really, I feel like I am going to write it now.

The reason why I wrote Trouble Making Prince and am writing Elias is for separate reasons.

Trouble Making Prince

Trouble Making Prince features Chrys, who is level headed and has a good head on his shoulders but is somewhat immoral. If anyone noticed, Chrys does not accept his new family as his family even though physically, he is related. He had memories of his past life so either he loved his family very much that they were irreplaceable or he just has a hard time not getting attachments break.

I am more inclined to have him getting a hard time getting attached or keeping those attachments.

Chrys does not see Anastacius, the Emperor, his new mother, and Claude as his family even though he knows that they are related by blood. To explain the reason why, as we grow up, when we are aware of our surroundings and actions, we recognize our parents without being taught.

This is based on my 'first memory.' I remember waking up in my bed and not remembering yesterday but still knew where the bathroom was and who my parents and siblings were. Surely, I do have the memory of being taught calling them mom or dad but it's not something I remember.

Now Chrys is a reincarnator but it's not like he remembered his past life in the beginning. He was hit on the head by the empress. He could have been a morally innocent child but since he only had a few years in his new life and the memories of his past life is, by no means, small, the personality of his past life won over.

Anyway, he may not have been so immoral in his past life and only is immoral in his new life because he feels he had no family in this one. He only acts as a family member for the sake of the new(not)family. It's not their fault that he could not feel or get attached to them. So, he tried to act like a good brother and son.

He does not really act based on emotions but based on his interest and beliefs. Chrys really is apathetic to his new(not)family and his interest leans more on the outside of the Palace hence why he kept trying to run away.

Now the reason why Chrys broke down is because, he was clearly not trained someone more toxic than him intoxicate him. Remember that he was a normal citizen of this world with... his fetishes of wanting to make someone beautiful cry.

Elias de Alger Obelia

I wrote Elias with the intent that nobody really know what the other is thinking and how facade can really trick someone. Also, I believe that almost everyone in this world is immoral to some extend.

Elias started with the fact that he committed suicide. He is aware since birth and remembers the past but forgot as he grew. He goes through nostalgia whenever he experiences the same thing he did in his previous life but he won't remember completely.

Elias is a Dryad, a baby dryad growing. He was aware since birth. His mother(incubator) tried to kill him, his father turned into a tree, (let's be honest) Claude is not the best parent figure(he is still learning), saw his father in bed with different woman, got forgotten, people looked down on him and made fun of him, and you get the point.

Elias will be messed up and maybe a little more than normal because no one knows what mythical beings think or act or how immoral and moral their standards are. Basically, Elias is a mess.

The thing is, Elias is still innocent like all babies. Immorally innocent, that is. So the things we see from his point of view is relative innocent and unaware.

Previous Chapter 6.2 ~ 6.10 (which are now deleted and being rewritten) was written with the intent of suddenness. For example, I was pretty unaware of my surroundings but after I came to the university, I actually started to see things that I did not think I would see.

Suddenly facing with people who were extremely toxic and people who just did not give shit, it really was eye opening.

So the sudden too dark updates made me realize just how toxic it is and how messed up the world is which made me feel more messed up hence why I deleted those updates.


Really, I don't know if any of this made sense to any of you but it's my thought and experience with the world and it makes sense to me no matter how many holes it has. 😂

I am not writing immoral and dark things because I condone it. Not at all. If there are people who are toxic or makes you feel dirtied please do avoid them. You don't avoid poop because you're scared but because you don't want to be dirtied physically. Also if you see child neglect or abuse in anyway or form please do help them.

Even though I wrote an explanation, it won't change the fact that 'Extra Chapter A' is officially taken down. Thanks 😊

Thank you for taking your time reading this. Any questions will be answered and if you have any similar experience then I would be interested to know.

Comments are really supportive.

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