Elias 1.4

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Liora and Nikolas were not in work today. Ilana said that it was family matters and did not explain further. Elias could not ask for more information and he did not care enough to ask.

His personal maid had taken him out of the crib and placed him on the soft rug. Right after, Ilana left the room to prepare his dinner.

It was then when a knock on the door reached their ears. The door opened when there was no permission to do so.

A lady with light blond hair and pink eyes, the dancer of Siodonna, walked in the room. She had a gentle smile on her lips.

This was the first time for Elias to be this close to the dancer. If he remembered correctly, her name was... Dina... Dona... D something. Either way, the dancer had entered his room and being this close, Elias could feel that the dancer was not all human.

Her aura kind of felt like Nikolas but weaker.

"Greetings, your highness."

She curtsied and straightened back up. Her kind and gentle smile still pasted on her face as she proceeded to approach him and pick him up.

Elias did not struggle and let her do so. Even when she took him out of the room. He had no idea where she was taking him.

"Your highness, I am sure you have noticed that I am not completely human."

Elias did not respond.

"My grandmother had fairy blood running through her veins. Unlike full fledged fairies who are born with pink eyes, mixed blood fairies like me are either just humans or a very weak fairy.

In my case, I am an extremely weak fairy who is only able to charm humans."

They were now out in the gardens. The scent of water filled Elias's nostrils and he turned to look. From far there was a lake with boats.

"Your highness, I am pregnant with his majesty's child."

The dancer smiled. Her cheeks were tinted red as she mentioned Claude. She looked like the happiest woman in love.

"His majesty was delighted when he heard of the pregnancy and he is very content to have me by his side. It has been a very long time since I also felt this happy. We are so happy... But your highness..."

The dancer stopped at the edge of the lake. Her eyes shined dangerously but her kind and gentle smile hid it well enough to trick others.

"Your existence will cause a rift in my happiness. I cannot have you taking what rightfully belongs to my unborn child."

The dancer lowered him.

"So please disappear."

And then she lifted him up with all her strength.

Elias felt himself float as the dancer furthered away. It was when he felt the gravity grab him that he realized. This was how his life would end.

Just as the cold water swallowed him, he heard a scream for help but Elias closed his eyes as he let calm water sink him deeper. Something wrapped around his legs and hips and helped the water sink him deeper.

The breath that he had unconsciously breathed in before dipping into the lake escaped his lips and immediately the empty space in his mouth was filled with water.


He had to feel the stinging pain as water filled his lungs but there was none. He could breath even as he sunk deeper.

How weird. He could breath in water. Was he a mermaid?

He felt disturbance in the water.

He opened his eyes to see a young man with red hair swimming towards him. His eyes were panicked as his hands pushed to reach for him.

Elias's hand unconsciously also reached for the red head man. His eyes felt heavy and Elias succumbed to slumber.


The next time Elias woke up, redhead man, Felix Robane, became his royal guard.

The dancer, Lady Diana, was taking a walk by the lake when she saw someone kidnapping the crown prince. As she tried to stop the infiltrator, the infiltrator had dropped Elias in water. That was when Diana had called for help.

The dancer had jumped in to save Elias but soon enough the guards, Felix and Claude arrived.

Claude took Diana out of the lake. No one had not known that Elias was in the lake until Diana had announced it right after she was out of the lake.

Felix reacted at the mention of Elias's name and jumped into the lake and had saved him.

Elias heard everything even though he was knocked out.

Was that normal?

Elias did not know but as he was sleeping he was also awake. It was confusing so he chose to ignore it.

Liora and Nikolas were there when Elias opened his eyes. His nanny was crying as she thanked the World Tree and Nikolas turned his head away, probably did not want to show his tears.

"Your highness."

Felix smiled at him. His entire body relaxed as Elias gazed at him.

"I am so glad you are safe, your highness..."

Felix whispered as his smile contorted. The redhead knight bit the bottom lip and his brows knitted together.

"Thank you... Thank you for waking up, your highness."

He was holding back his tears but the genuine concern spoke through his entire being. It screamed to Elias and a shiver crawled down his spine. He felt his cheek warm up.

Elias felt warm. Liora, Nikolas and Felix, they were crying out of relief. They were glad that he was alive.

Elias was not sure if it really was okay for him to be alive. What Diana had told him was true. If he was alive then later in the future Elias would have to fight for the throne with his cousin.

The crown prince was too tired to fight for something he was not even interested in. He was tired of being used. That was why he did not fight Diana when he was thrown to the lake. It was better to die when it was still peaceful and everyone was happy.

But hearing how Felix had saved Elias without anyone asking and how the red haired knight genuinely looked at him as he was precious...

Elias for the first time felt that maybe he would stay alive for a little longer. It was until he could thank Felix...

Yes... until only until then...

[WMMaP] Elias de Alger ObeliaWhere stories live. Discover now