Chapter 15

502 15 2

*6 months later*

Me and Payton have been dating for about 6 and a half months now and he has made me the happiest person ever. My parents told me that they were gonna try and work things out and 3 months later they got remarried.

Right now I'm sitting in my room waiting for Payton to come back from target. Why is he there? I have no clue but I really don't care. About five minutes later he cane running in my room with a suitcase.

P: pack your bags

Y: why

P: where is the one place you have wanted to go your whole life

Y: Paris?

P: yep

Y: we're going to Paris?

P: yep now here I got you a new suitcase we're staying for a month

Y: your joking right

P: nope now hurry and pack we leave in the morning

Y: what time

P: 5

Y: ok

I got up and started packing while Payton sat on my bed eating the snacks from my snack drawer under my bed.

Y: did you eat all my gummy bears

P: no.
He said as his mouth was full of them.

Y: your buying me more

P: I know

Y: ok I'm done

P: ok

Y: wait do my parents know about this

P: yeah I asked them last week

Y: ok

The rest of the day we spent time with our family and looked up things to do there.

(A/n: Here's a little update for y'all. The good part is coming so just get ready. I'm writing more tonight.🤪✌️🥀✨)

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