Chapter 4

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My mom texted me while we where watching a move

Y/m: hey sweetie I am going to be stuck at work all night I'm so sorry is it ok if you stay with Payton tonight
Y: it's ok and one sec let me ask

Y: Payton is it ok if I stay here tonight my mom is gonna be stuck at work
P: yes please stay
Y: hah ok

Y: he said it's fine
Y/m: ok well is Joanne there
Y: um no she is out with Chris rn
Y/m: oh ok do you know when they will be back
Y: well Faith said they would be back around 1 maybe
Y/m: ok well have fun I love you
Y: I will. Love you too

Payton then grabbed me and put me on his lap. I looked at him confused and he just wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder. The movie ended and I ended up falling asleep on Payton.

Payton POV

When y/n said she was gonna stay here tonight I got very excited. When she was done texting I grabbed her and put her on my lap. Her reaction was funny but it's not like we haven't dont this before. She used to did on my lap when we went to the beach together since there wasn't much room in the car. She soon fell asleep on me and Faith was already out. I know that y/n don't like sleeping on the couch so I just stoop up carefully bringing y/n with me and carrying her to my bed. I layer her down covered her up and stared to go back to the living room but I heard something.
Y: no don't go
P: what Why
Y: I want cuddles
P: ugh fine how could I say no to you
Y: you can't that's why I love you
P: ha ha very funny

I laid down next to her and she cuddled up to me. I missed this so much. I kissed her forehead and the last thing I heard before she drifted off to sleep was
Y: I love you Payton
I just smiled and kissed her forehead again and said it back
P: I love you too y/n

Your POV

I woke up with arms around my waist. I turned to see that it was Payton and I just smiled at how cute he was.
P: take a picture it lasts longer. He said in his sexy morning voice
Y: I already have one.
P: ha ha. What time is it. He said yawning
Y: I don't know. Where's my phone.
P: oh um I guess I didn't bring it up last night
Y: that's fine but we should really get up
P: yeah your right
We got up and walked downstairs and seen faith asleep on the couch. I grabbed my phone and seen that I had missed calls from my mom and so many texts

Y/m: hey you up.
Y/m: text me when you wake up
Y/m: ok I'm getting worried
Y/m: are you ok
Y/m: why haven't you answered me yet
Y/m: it 12 are you still asleep
Y/m: I'm coming over if you don't answer by 1

I looked at the time and it was 12:46

"Shit" I mumbled
P: what
Y: my mom is worried to death

I texted her back

Y: hey mom I'm fine we went to sleep pretty late and I just woke up a few minutes ago. I will be there soon.
Y/m: oh thank goodness I was worried sick. Take your time I know you missed him

P: so what do you want to do today
Y: well I'm going to go see my mom and hang with her today since she doesn't work today and I will come back tomorrow ok
P: *sigh* ok
Y: I'm only next door
P: I know but that's so far
Y: you can literally get in my room with two steps
P: yeah true
Y: ok well I'm gonna go but I will see you tomorrow ok
P: tree tonight 8 o'clock
Y: hah ok
I went home and my mom was waiting for me at the door.
Y/m: heyy
Y: hey
Y/m: so what did you do last night
Y: we just watched movies and talked
Y/m: that's it?
Y: yep that's it
Y/m: ok well what do you want to do today
Y: girls day?
Y/m: yeah sure you wanna bring Faith
Y: yeah sure let me text her
Y/m: ok also go take a shower you smell like cologne
(My mom hates the smell of the cologne that Payton wears. He has used it since we where 12 so he seemed "big and bad". I just laughed at him)
Y: ok but I will definitely smell like this tomorrow just saying
Y/m: yeah I know
I showered and changed into

I texted faith and she said she had to work today so she couldn't but then I had an idea so I yelled at my mom from my room Y: mom can Payton go!Y/m: it's not really a girls day if there's a boy tho! Y: I will make him get his toes done Y/m: omg y...

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I texted faith and she said she had to work today so she couldn't but then I had an idea so I yelled at my mom from my room
Y: mom can Payton go!
Y/m: it's not really a girls day if there's a boy tho!
Y: I will make him get his toes done
Y/m: omg yes let's do that!
Y: ok!

So I texted him

Pay Pay💙
Y: hey😁
P: hiiiii💞
Y: you wanna hang with me and my mom today
P: and do what
Y: well we where gonna have like a girls day thing
P: I'm not a girl tho
Y: so. You used to love to get a pedicure with me
P: I only liked it because it was a message
Y: pwease🥺
P: fine I'll go
P: ??
Y: oops I meant 😊
P: 😂
Y: see you in a few

I walked downstairs and I told my mom Payton was coming then he came running into the house and picked me up of the floor from behind
Y: Payton what are doing
P: If I get my toes done with you I get to choose your nails
Y: WHAT?! No!
P: yes or I'm not going
Y: fine but PUT ME DOWN!
P: ok ok hah
Y/m: ok let's go

We got in the car and Payton sat in the back while I sat in the front. I looked at him in the mirror and stuck out my tongue and he flipped me of
Y: *dramatic gasp*
P: hahahahaha

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