Chapter 13

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(Recap: I started crying harder. Then I felt arms wrap around my waist. I looked up and), he was looking right back at me.

P: I love you too

Y: oh my god

P: I'm sorry it was just a prank

Y: why would you do that to me

P: I'm sorry it was Parker's idea

Y: I'm gonna kill him. I said laughing a little

P: please don't

Y: yeah no promises

P: look

He pointed at the camera sitting on the tv stand across the room

Y: your not posting that

P: why not

Y: because I don't want to be all over the internet

P: ughhh why do you have to be like that

Y: because I'm a person

P: yeah yeah

Y: I'm more of one then you are

P: I'm offended

Y: your welcome

I got up and turned the camera off and we cuddled for a few minutes until Faith came in the room.

F: hey how you feel

P: I'm good just a mild concussion and a sprung wrist

F: that's good

Y: how's Parker

F: asleep

P: that's Parker

Y&F: 😂😂😂

F: anyway what have you guys done for the past 20 minutes

P: well-

F: actually don't answer that. She said cutting him off

P: omg no we didn't do that

F: thank god

P: but I pranked her

Y: he did

F: oh god what did you do

Y: he made me think he was dead

F: why

P: I thought it would be funny plus it was Parker's idea

Y: it wasn't funny and he even had the doctor in on it

P: you should see the video

F: video?

I pointed at the camera that I turned off a few moments ago.

F: your a weirdo

P: yeah Ik

Y: but your my weirdo

F: stop before I throw up

P&Y: 😂😂😂😂

I whispered "kiss me" in his ear. He kissed me passionately knowing that she would leave. We turned back to see an empty seat that Faith was sitting in literally 2 seconds ago. Then I realized she ran out.

P: how did she leave so quietly

Y: I have no clue

The rest of the day we didn't do much since they couldn't leave till tomorrow at 11. We convinced the doctors to move Parker to Payton's room so we could all hang and not be in different rooms. Well by convincing I mean that Payton had bribed them with 2K as well as another 1K to let me and Faith stay the night here. I swear he got that from my mom. She would always bribe me to clean my room then he started bribing me to clean his. 😂

The next day

I woke up to people talking.

P: shut up your gonna wake her up

Pa: well we're leaving soon and I wanna get out of here

P: well I don't want an angry ass sleep deprived girlfriend

That's the first time he has ever called me his girlfriend. We have always just yeah "we're together" or something but we never used bf or gf. I smiled hearing him say that and then I heard Faith laugh.

F: 😂 I think she's awake

P: look what you did

Pa: what I did!?

Y: shut up

P: I'm sorry baby it was Parker's fault. He hugged me as he said that and kissed my cheek.

Y: it's fine I need to get up anyway

P: we'll get Starbucks when we leave

Y: yessssss

Pa: ok you two we can leave in 20

P: or we could leave now

Y: no your not bribing them again

P: why not

Y: because it's illegal

P: so

Y: so I don't want you to go to jail

F: yeah mom would kill you

Y: yeah

P: speaking of mom wear is she

F: gym

P: right I forgot that she loves her job more than her son

Y: you can't say anything because your always with me

P: yeah but your leaving soon

Y: i know but you need to spend time with her

P: I know

Y: I know, you can take her to dinner tonight

P: that sounds weird

Y: no not like that you dumbass

P: I don't want to spend money

F: says the one who bribed doctors with 3K last night

P: oh shut up

Pa: she not wrong

Y: just take her to dinner

P: fine but your coming too

Y: no I'm not

P: then what are you gonna do

Y: I'm gonna hang out with MY mom

F: can I come

Y: yeah sure

P: that's not fair

F: I'm always with mom because you know we work together

P: yeah yeah

Y: just go and have fun

P: fine

Y: thank you

A few minutes later the doctor came in and checked both him and Parker and said that we could leave. Thank goodness he didn't bribe them. We went to get Starbucks and went to take Parker home then went back to his place. We got there and my mom and Payton's was there as well as, my dad?

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