Chapter 9

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Payton's POV:

It was Friday, and every Friday night me, Y/n, and Faith would go and stay at our little frame house down by the lake. I haven't been there since the day she left. When she drove off after kissing me I went down to the house and laid outside looking at the stars balling my eyes out nonstop till I fell asleep in my chair. I woke up to Faith sitting beside me. We were the only ones that knew about that spot. Ok that's a lie, my mom knew about it because she payed for it but we never told anyone else about it or where it was or even posted anything while we were there. I haven't been there since then but now that she is back maybe we can go and do what we used to do.

I just woke up and y/n wasn't up yet so I didn't move till she woke up. As soon as she woke up she jerked out of my grip and went to the bathroom without even saying anything. "What was that about"

Your POV:

I woke up in Payton's arms with my back facing him. I didn't know if he was awake or not but I didn't care. I was in a mood today for some reason. I jerked out of his grip and went to the bathroom. When I sat down I realized "SHIT!"
My period is two days early. I looked around for pads but couldn't find any. I was in Payton's bathroom so I wasn't surprised I didn't find any. So I texted Faith.

Y:hey 🩸
F: hey??
Y: 🩸🚽👙
F: oh ok wya
Y: Pay's bathroom
F: ok coming

A few seconds later there was a knock at the door.

Y: Who is it
F: Faith
Y: ok come in
F: here
Y: thanks

She walked out, I fixed myself and went back to Payton's room to change. When I walk in he was on his computer doing something. He wasn't really talking so I decided to say something while looking for a hoodie.

Y: are you ok
P:...yeah why
Y: your not talking
P: oh um sorry
Y: is there something you wanna talk about
P: not really
Y: are you sure
P: no
Y: what is it. I said as I went and sat in the bean bag beside his desk.
P: it's just...
Y: just what
P:.......what are we
Y: what do you mean what are we
P: I mean...we have been friends for years and we had sex twice.
Y: and

When he said that he jumped up and yelled it. It really scared me because he never yells at or around me.

P: I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell. He said as he bent down and put his hand on my knee
Y: it's ok I get it, your frustrated and confused
P: damn right I am
Y: look, I don't t know what we are but it's not my call
P: how is it not your call
Y: your the guy, I'm the girl, also I don't know how I would ask someone out
P: hah true you are not good with guys
Y: what is that supposed to mean
P: Ethan
Y: oh god don't even mention that
P: but it was funny
Y: no it was not
P: ok was hilarious
Y: Payton!!
P: ok ok I'm done
Y: thank you
P: so what's the plan for today
Y: um i don't know
P: wait do you remember our spot
Y: the lake house?
P: yeah
Y: of course I do
P: it's Friday
Y: omg it is
P: yeah
Y: we gotta go get ready and tell Faith
P: what if...we didn't tell Faith
Y: Payton
P: what
Y: code red
P: really
Y: yes
P: ugh fine
Y: nice try tho
P: yeah well I tried

I walked out of his room and ran to Faiths room and jumped on her bed.

F: what are you so happy about
Y: it's Friday
F: what about it
Y: our little Friday night tradition
F: omg the lake house
Y: yeah
F: we have to get ready
Y: yeah I know
F: might wanna help Payton
Y: why
F: do you remember his swim shorts patterns
Y: omg
F: yeah
Y: ok well I'm gonna go home and get ready
F: ok see ya
Y: see ya

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