Chapter 1

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When I was 3 I met this boy at the park. We started playing together and eventually are parents became friends. We have been friends since. When I was 13 my parents started fighting.

I was just sitting in my room doing homework when I heard a loud BANG downstairs. I walked down and seen my dad about to throw a chair at my mom just a few feet in front of me. He chucked the chair and my mom ducked. It almost hit me but I ran back upstairs. I was crying. I heard something hit my window over and over, i looked up and it was Payton throwing pebbles at my window. I opened the window and climbed out in the tree that connects to both mine and his windows.(a/n: if you have watched "Alexa and Katie" you know what I'm talking about)
P: what's wrong why are you crying
Y/n: my parents are fighting
P: oh I'm sorry come in my room and we can watch a movie or something
Y/n: *sniff* ok
We went in his window to his room and sat on the bed and he turned on "The Cat in The Hat" it's a tradition type thing we do. If one of us is crying we turn on that movie and it always makes us feel better. Soon we heard footsteps out in the hall. The door opened. It was his mom
J: hey pay- hey y/n when did you get here
Y/n: not to long ago
J: how did you- Oh ok never mind. She looked at the open window beside us.
J: anyway as I was saying, I'm about to order pizza you want some.
P: yeah sure, you?
Y/n: uh yeah sure
J: okay, cheese with extra sauce?
What can I say we are weird kids.
Y&P: YES!!!
J: okay. She said laughing

A few months later:
My mom just told me that I have to go live with my dad in Maryland. I am not happy with this at all. I didn't have any friends since I was home schooled so I wasn't worried I would miss anyone really, except Payton. I don't know how to tell him I'm moving. Oh no what if we never talk again. I went to my room and opened my window and threw pebbles at his window. He looked through the window and I signaled for him to come over. He came in my room and hugged me because he seen me crying.
P: what's wrong baby
He always called me baby.
Y/n: I- um...I don't know how to say this. I said as I sat on my bed.
Y/n: Payton I'm...
P: your what, don't tell me your not a virgin
( where very educated kids don't judge )
I just laughed
He always knows how to make me smile
Y/n: no I'm still a virgin dont worry
P: phew thank goodness
Y/n: but there is something I need to tell you
Y/m: Y/N START PACKING. My mom yelled from downstairs
P: packing for what??
Y/n: OK MOM!
P: y/n what are you packing for. He said looking very concerned and sad
Y/n: Payton..I'm...moving
P: what no you can't. He said with tears in his eyes.
Y/n: I have to it's not my choice. I said while getting up and grabbing my suitcase from my closet
P: how far?
Y/n: I'm going to live with my dad in Maryland
P: no you can't
Y/n: I'm sorry it's not my choice, I can't control what happens

The next day
I had just finished packing and I am about to go to the airport but there is one thing I needed to do first. I went to my empty room that just has a bed and a desk now and went to my window. I didn't hesitate to go out and strait in Payton's window. I climbed in and he was crying.
P: y/n w-what are you doing here aren't you s-supposed to b-be
l-leaving *sniff*
Y/n: yes but there is something I need to do first. I said as I sat on his bed right beside him
P: w-what's that *sniff*
Y/n: this. I leaned in and kissed him right on the lips.
P: what was that for
Y/n: I love you Payton and I always have
P: I love you too. He said that as he grabbed my face and pulled me into another kiss but I pulled away after about 10 seconds
Y/n: I'm going to be late for my flight
P: no please don't go
Y/n: I'm sorry
I climbed out the window back to my room and down to the car. As I got in the car I seen Payton run out his front door and he chased the car down the street. I started crying watching him run behind me.

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