Chapter 14

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Y: dad?

D: hi sweetie

Y: what are you doing here?
I asked as we hugged

D: can we talk about this later

Y: yeah sure

I walked over and hugged my mom and went back to Payton.

P: why is your dad here.
He whispered to me so no one could hear

Y: I don't know but I feel like something is up

P: maybe

We all sat in the living room and talked until there was a knock at the door and Joanne went to get it.

?: omg Joanne hi

J: hi Riley what are you doing here I thought you moved.
(A/n: let's add some drama!!)

R: I did but I came back

And with hearing that Payton got up and walked to the door. I watched him ofc so I could see what was going on.

Payton's POV

P: why are you here

R: I came back for you

P: you left me for fame.
(A/n: let's pretend that Riley is an actress in this)

R: I don't know what your talking about

P: you moved to Hollywood for a stupid movie

R: hey I made a lot of money from that "stupid movie"

J: guys guys stop it

P: stay out of this mom

R: yeah stay out of this

J: you can't talk to me like that

R: says who

J: says me

R: Well then I guess your gonna have to stop me

J: Maybe I will

R: you can't hit a child

J: who says I was gon-

P: actually you can hit her.
I said cutting her off

R&J: what

P: she turned 18 like four months ago

R: aw you remembered my birthday

P: no I remember that big ass "surprise party" you threw yourself that was all over Instagram

R: you just wish you was invited

P: not really

J: can I hit her now

P: please do

She swung at her and hit her face and made her hit the door frame with the other side of her head and fall to the floor.

P: dang I didn't thing you would actually hit her

J: she deserved it

Your POV

I was sitting on the couch in shock at what Joanne just did. I never thought she would hit her but I guess I was wrong. I got up and went over to Payton to figure out exactly what happened.

Y: what just happened

P: a lot

Y: clearly.
I said as I looked down at Riley who was trying to stand up.

P: wait hold up

He ran into the kitchen and came back with a pie and went to shove it in her face.

Y: wait

P: what

Y: let me do it.
I said with a smirk on my face

P: ok.
He smirked back and handed me the pie.

Riley stood up and was holding onto the door frame trying to keep her balance. I then smashed the pie in her face and pushed her out the door as Joanne closed the door. Payton high-fived me and we walked back into the living room.

M: what was that about

P: don't worry about it, she won't be back

Y: I hope not, I don't like that bitch

M: language

Y: sorry but it's true

J: she's not wrong

P: I don't wanna talk about her anymore

The rest of the day we all just talked and decided to watch the movie that Riley was in just to make fun of her.

(A/n: I have more ideas for stories so I think I might end this one soon.)

It Started When We Where Younger💘Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang