Ch.7- Mission pt.2

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Heyaaah there~ Today you wore that outfit above... 


Sasaki's P.O.V -3:50 a.m-

I am now preparing for the mission. I put on gloves, I didn't care to tie my hair since it'll be useless in the fight. Once I got out of my room, I went to Sarada's room to check on her. I knocked on her door quietly, when I heard an answer from her I came in to see her packing shurikens and kunais.

"Good Morning," I said as I sat on her bed.

"Morning One-san..." she said in a quiet sleepy tone.

"Didn't get much sleep?"

"Not really, just not used waking up very early" I smiled at her.

When she said she's ready we head downstairs looking for Mom and Dad. We found them outside with the other clan member.

"Good morning Mom, Dad," We both said at the same time.

"Goodmorning" Mom and Dad said at the same time as well.

"Let's get going?" Dad asked us as we both nodded in response.

We walked deeper through the forests with the Akatsuki members following for assistance wearing their cape since we are expecting him to be much more powerful than he was.

"Listen you two," Our head snapped up towards Dad. "you two need to be careful when attacking Shin, some farmers said they have a hostage who is a Quirk user, which is a close friend of you to you, Sasaki," my eyes widened but I remained calm.

"Is the hostage a male or a female?" I asked Dad.

"It's a male," Dad said.

"So that means I am the one he wants, right?" I sighed before continuing "he could have just kidnapped an ordinary person if he wasn't after me."

"So do you have an idea which friend of yours is the hostage, One-san?" Sarada asked me 

"I have four particular in mind" I answered.

"Describe them" Sarada commanded

"One has a red spiky hair and eyes and he has spiky teeth, one is a dark blue hair and eyes which is very serious and always jump to conclusions, the other one is a green curly hair and also has green eyes who is a fanboy and the last one has spiky ash blond with red eyes who has a foul mouth and have a really bad attitude that you want to sent him to hell because he would always call you pink bitch." I sighed furiously "that hedgehog!".

"One-san? you okay there?"

I sighed in annoyance "He just annoys me like hell." But before Sarada could say anything Dad stopped.

"We're here.." I looked up to see a very big cave and a bald man whose skin is whose blue and had eyes almost everywhere in his body. Once he sees us, his eyes landed on me, and smirk.

"Sasaki Uchiha my Sharingan princess I've been longing to see you, now that you are here come with me and be my wife." He said bowing to me.

"Free your prisoner... first," I said activating my three tomoe Sharingan.


"Very well, my dear. Bring him out!" he commanded his child.

"Are you sure about this, Sasaki?" Uncle Itachi asked.

"Yes... I'll kill him on my own, for revenge" I said still activating my Sharingan.

When the boy whom Shin Uchiha held captive is recognized. My eyes widened as I see the one tied up on the pole is HIM. Luckily he was unhurt just unconscious, I deactivated my Sharingan.

"Hedgehog?!?" Everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

"Is he the one you're talking about, Sasaki?" Mom asked.

I nodded.

"Well, here he is. Now come to me, my beloved fiancee." the toothless guy said.

'Disgusting...' I thought 

"Bring him down first, carefully" I ordered.

"How am I sure to trust you immediately, Sasaki," he asked raising a brow at me.

"You need to put trust in me if I am gonna be your wife, am I right?" I said smirking at his defeated face.

He sighed and ordered his Son to bring him down, once he untied him, ho threw him off the cliff but luckily Dad captured him before he hits the ground. Shin Uchiha jumped down to get me, 

"Now come, my Princess," he said lending his hand towards me,

 I heaved a sigh and slowly walked towards him. But a hand stopped me, I turned around to see  Sarada crying. I felt like my heart shattered to pieces to the sight of my sister crying. 

"One-san... Please don't," she managed to choke out those words as a tear slip in one of my eyes.

"Sarada..." she looked up to me to see a smiling sister, I slowly put my hands up and poked her forehead beneath her Forehead protector "I promise to see you next time..." her eyes widened. And I turned my heel around letting go of her hand.

"One-san!" Sarada cried out, but I ignored her and accepted Shin Uchiha's hand And we teleported back to his cave.

Once both of us are alone, I immediately activated my Sharingan and screamed in my head.


I stabbed my hand in his back, and quickly jumped away and saw him still alive.

"Sasaki!!! How dare you!" he said as he controlled metal and tried to stab me. "Why are you doing this?!?" he asked fake crying,

I scoffed "I knew right away, you just want my eyes because it has the same power as my uncle,"

He was shocked at first but he immediately smirked "Correct," He said as he teleported behind me and kicked me but I quickly jump away, did a somersault in the air, and punched him in the head. Making him fall to the ground, breaking it in process. And I wore my ANBU mask.

I am not that good at fighting scenes but I'll try my best in the next chapter...


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