Unexpected Darkness

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Severus felt paranoia sink in as shadows consumed the medical wing. He frowned. The candles that lit up the room moments before had all been snuffed out. Severus knew no draft could ever blow out the candles. They were charmed, which meant magic had sent the Potions Master and his ward into the darkness.

“Who’s there?” Severus growled as he drew his wand from within his pocket. Few, tension-filled seconds passed before he saw something move in the shadows.

“Come and face me like a man, Black,” he growled at the darkness. A sickening chuckle filled the air. The sound curdled Severus’s blood.

“Why would I want to do that, Snivelly?” The voice that echoed out wasn’t exactly how Severus remembered Sirius Black’s voice to be. Of course, the man had spent the last twelve years in the most horrific prison known to exist. Something was bound to change. Appearance and voice were more than likely the first things to warp before mentality followed closely after.

“It seems dear, sweet Ella Cross has fallen ill! What are you doing protecting her like that, Snivellus?” The man’s questions and words bothered Severus immensely. It was almost as if the man in the shadows had known Ariella would become sick. Almost like he planned it to get her alone. Dark realization spread through Severus and made him sick to his stomach. Sirius Black was intending to kill Ariella Cross and Harry Potter. Had Severus not felt the inane urge to stay at her side, he felt that Ariella would have been dead by morning. The thought solidified his resolve to protect the feverish blonde.

“Could it be you have feelings for her, Severus Snape? You, a worthless, greasy traitor? Did you forget how you despised her very existence? Or is she just so pretty? Is she so pretty that she has you forgetting your place?” The voice hissed menacingly. Severus glared into the darkness, hoping that his expression was landing on its intended and that it was making him shake in his boots. However, just as suddenly as the Hospital Ward was cast into darkness, light exploded around Severus and every candle was relit. He blinked in surprise as he turned to see Madame Pomfrey and Remus Lupin jogging toward him. Both looked confused and worried.

“Severus, are you alright?”

“What happened?” Severus ignored their questions and searched the room for the intruder. There was no way in hell that Sirius Black could’ve escaped again.

How the hell had did he even get into the school?

How was Sirius Black, wanted felon, getting past the Dementors and aurors?

The Dementors barely let students and professors onto school grounds and the aurors were just as cautious. A sudden groan brought Severus back as he returned to Ariella’s side.

“Oh, my! When you said she was sick, Remus, you meant it! I’ll have to whip up a batch of─”

“She was poisoned,” Severus spoke suddenly as Pomfrey and Lupin turned to him in utter shock.


“Cross, she was poisoned,” Severus reiterated as he took note of the yellow tone her paled skin had taken on. Just out of curiosity, he lifted her fallen eyelids and saw the tell-tale sign. Her sclera covered in ugly tiny red spots.

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