The Dinning Hall

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Makotos pov

I sat at the dining hall with sayaka, shuichi, keade, kaito and maki sitting around me in a circle. I couldn't help but think man this is the most people  I've ever sat with. I didn't want to think of the killing game in a positive way but it was good for building bonds with people. The six of us were having a heated discussion (well five of us really maki didn't talk much) before we were cut off by takas booming voice.

"where on earth is chihiro and kokichi? We're all suppose to meet here at 10am and have breakfast together. Now kokichi didn't know about this arrangement but chihiro should have done her duty as a older student and informed him!"

"umm may I ask you something regarding the older student situation." shuichi piped up looking nervous

"yes shuichi go ahead" taka said nodding at the young detective.

"well I was just wondering, since you guys are older students should we start calling you sempi out of respect?
"oh shuichi that's not nes-" taka was quickly cut off by hiro excitingly yelling "oh boy I've always wanted a younger student to call me sempi! I figured it would make me feel more important!"

"I don't think you have what it takes to be a good sempi." hina said bluntly as hiro shot her a hurt look.

"nehehe sempi huh? Well I guess I'll agree  as long as you don't get turned on by it." A playful voice rang out the dining hall, and that voice belongs to none other than kokichi ouma with chihiro close behind.

"chihiro where were you? We all agreed to meet here at 10am and you've left yourself and kokichi ten minutes late! What do you have to say for yourself!"

chihiro nervously looked over at kokichi who gave her a small nod. She turned back to taka.

"what the hell give you the right to yell at me over something so stupid. Did you even consider that there might be a good reason for us being late before you started ranting to us about the time? Well did you?"

"well I-I" taka stuttered for once unable to find the right words.

"you know what? Forget it! Me and kokichi are going to get breakfast come on kokichi!"

"Coming!" the boy chirped following the not so timid girl to the kitchen.

"that's strange! Chihiro usually so timid. I didn't expect her to bite takas head off like that"

"kokichis probably had some kind of effect on her" kaito muttered "and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing."

Suichis pov

Kokichi and chihiro made our way past our table, a stack of pancakes on each plate. "hey kokichi" kaito yelled "you and chihiro wanna sit with us? Then later we can hang out"

"mmm no thanks too busy right now" kokichi said running off with chihiro.

"why do you suddenly want to hang with the rat?" maki spoke at last "I thought you hated him" she made a good point. Kaito and kokichi never got along. I can't see kaito willingly spending time with him. Kaito suddenly looked upset. I was starting to get worried.
"kaito are you -"

"you didn't see him" kaito said quietly far too quiet for someone as loud and energetic as kaito. "you didn't see him at his final moments when his mask came off, when I saw that he wasn't a evil dictator but a scared kid hiding behind a confident persona. Not getting to know him better was one thing I regretted but we're both alive now! I have the opportunity to make things right between us and I'm going to do it no matter what" his voice sounded broken but hopefull. I smiled, that's the kaito I know, always trying to do the right thing no matter what.

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