🔪 thank you!

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hiya! thanks for getting to the
end of this story! i really hope
you enjoyed reading it.

some people were also confused
so i would like to just clear that
up. the book is a series of events
that happened during minho's
high school years, to which he is
now recounting to a therapist.
that's why sometimes it seems
like he's talking to the audience,
but he's not. it is then revealed
at the end that his therapist is
in fact changbin, who was chan's
best friend in high school.

i kinda changed the ending a
bit because i decided i wanted
to write a sequel because why
not. it's gonna be minbin because
like again, why not. it won't be
like all fluffy lovey dovey, but
there will still be something there.

anyways, it will be called 'therapist'
so looked out for it when i release
it later on !

also before you go, i am writing an
alternate ending to this story bc i
did change it last minute so i will
publish the original ending of the
story later !

but again, thank you so much
for reading !

- mili <3

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