🔪 two

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when i went to school the next day, and i dedicated my morning to finding the male. i simply had to see him up close. i speed-walked through the halls, with only minutes until his first period started.

he ran through the east wing, seeing as it was less crowded. only a few classrooms in this part of the building were used. well, for classes at least. it was the older part of the building, the main part having only been built a few years prior.

i had photography first period, hence why my camera was hung around my neck. it's not as if i was planning on taking another picture.

but the site of jeongin and chan fiercly making out in one of the classrooms made me feel something, and i didn't know if it was jealousy or lust.

so naturally, i lifted my camera up to my face, looking through the lens at the pair. i stood there for a while, waiting for perfect position, the perfect picture, and i took it, the camera making a quick snap noise.

the bell sounded seconds after and away i ran to class, sitting down next to han jisung. we weren't exactly friends; i mean the only time we spoke to each other was in photography class.

"hey minho! you're not usually late," he said as i sat down next to him, taking my camera from around my neck.

"oh sorry, i was just taking photos."

this was not meant to have
short chapters, nor was it
supposed to be in first person
but whOops i guess

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