🔪 thirteen

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jeongin stopped walking, but i couldn't just stop with him. that would be way to suspicious. but i remembered my previous plan of befriending jeongin, and the cogs in my head were turning.

this was the perfect opportunity.

i stopped beside him, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "jeongin," i said, "are you okay?" he just looked up at me with teary eyes, his phone in his hand by his side, the line still connected to chan. i leant in close and i whispered in his ear. "end it," i said, and it sounded so calm yet so sinister at the same time.

he did it though, and he just fell to his knees and cried. we sat there for a bit, me comforting him while he wailed out in the middle of the street. i cursed at myself for being so nice when i was literally about to kill him.

he calmed down and i took him to this really nice pancake place. it cheered him up a lot. he told me everything that had happened with chan, how he was avoiding him, leading to their inevitable break up. i hade to put on a sympathetic face, be all nice, but really i was just plotting.

"why don't i show you something special?" i said to him. this was it, the moment of truth. i was so glad that jeongin was as gullible as he was, so i payed for the food as a last thanks before he would die.

it was a short walk from the original spot i was going to take him from, but we talked as we walked. jeongin wasn't crying anymore, and he looked like he was enjoying himself.

and so i thought, why am i killing jeongin? he wasn't with chan anymore, so why was i going through with this? now that i look back, i think that maybe things would be different if i hadn't done it. but i was angry then, angry that chan thought he could fuck me when it suited him. i wasn't here for a one night stand; i wanted our love to be true, and that could never happen while jeongin was still around.

we walked through the trees, taking the same path i had taken for some time now. it was my favourite spot to just sit and think about things. we reached a clearing, and it revealed a beautiful sunset over the horizon. the waves crashed softly up against the rocks, and we sat at the edge of the cliff.

we're getting close to the
end boys and girls

STALKER ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ