🔪 seven

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we were in there together for probably close to an hour, and all we did was talk about our lives, our interests, our hobbies. i then asked about his love life, not that i didn't know about that already. he just shrugged about it, as if he didn't have a boyfriend, or he just didn't care if he did.

but he did care. just not in the way you would think. he started rambling about all the little things that annoyed him about jeongin, like his constant smiles, his clingy nature, his age. and i noted it all in my head. i told myself i was none of those things. i would never annoy chan.

of course he then asked about my love life, and do you wanna know what i said? i said, "my love life could never be as eventful or interesting as a hot guy's like you." it was so bold of me, flirting with a taken man. i can't say i had ever acted this way around another person before.

and you wanna know what happened next?

he kissed me.

like tongue and everything.

and i let him, of course.

it was a dream come true, literally. him holding me in his arms, my hands tangled in his curly locks, sharing a passionate kiss. we were meant to be together; i truly believed that. i still do, just maybe not in this life.

things may have got... a little heated. he started palming my cock through my trousers, and god was it good. his touch was alluring, almost hypnotising, i couldn't control myself at all. he had this spell over me; it's as if i was this completely different person. i couldn't control the sounds that came out of my mouth and—

too much? sorry. i got a little carried away. it was just that good.

i ended up sucking him off afterwards and then we kinda just sat there in each other's embrace. it was calm, and i liked it. i felt safe with him, like nothing in the world mattered at all.

i had to rewrite like three
chapters bc they didn't save :(

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