🔪 fifteen

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the news hit the whole school pretty hard. they all thought jeongin was the happy, cheery person he always seemed to be. his death was just so unexpected, especially to his friends who hadn't noticed any change in him.

chan didn't even go to school.

of course, people were asking questions, so i set off the little rumour that chan had broken up with jeongin, and that's why he offed himself, except it wasn't a rumour at all. it was so funny to see how many people were whispering about how bad a person chan was, but as soon as he returned to school, it all stopped.

he almost caught me as well. i was sitting outside his house in my car again, but not to admire him and take pictures. i wanted to check up on him, see how he was doing. i mean, i know i just killed his boyfriend, or ex boyfriend, but i still cared so much for him.

i had my window rolled down because it was hot in my car, and i don't do well in the heat. that was a big mistake. he appeared at one of the windows suddenly, and our eyes met. but i didn't feel love.

i felt hate from him, like he knew what i had done.

i rolled my window up and left him, making sure that he didn't decide to follow me.

and now seeing him in school, chan really looked like shit. he looked like he'd been crying for the past decade, and it wasn't flattering at all. he walked through the school halls solemnly, not looking up at anyone, until he reached me at my locker.

"meet me on the rooftop at lunch," he said to me, before walking off again. but i wasn't happy that he wanted to meet me somewhere semi private.

i was scared that he caught me out.

idk what to say anymore, so
how are you doing guys?

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