2.4 Henry

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I woke up to a cold and damp cloth on my forehead, it dripped down my face. As my eyes readjusted, everything went from fuzzy to clear, I could make out Owen talking to someone across the room form where I was lying down. It was Him. Henry Wu, my dad, I suppose. He was the only other person technically to raise me within that horrid prison. He made everyone there, my sisters, the Trex... probably even Claire... Claire.... Was I? Am I really going back tot he island? 

My mouth was dry, but i managed to make out in the voice of an 80 year old alcholic, one of my new words, "O-Owen? W-water" as i sat up, clutching the back of my neck. There was a fresh spot, similair to the tranq they would give us within the Park. It had to be Henry. 

"Im here dont worry, hold on" he stood up and left the room heading toward the kitchen. Henrys eyes were fixed on me now, they were burning with something, pain, anger? no. it was something else. "You know Y/N, i dont think you have ever fainted... of your own accord, it really is fasinating" he stood up now too, making his way toward me. 

"Its almost as if being in the human world is making you more like.. well.. Human? Hm? It doesnt matter i guess, Owen was filling me in what your doing" he crouched inches from my face now. "If i were you, I would burn the island to the sea level and let everyone... well claire, die." he placed a cold hand no my face and wiped away the wet from my forehead, his face fell. 

"You really are my most beautiful creation Y/N.... I am sorry to do this"

He pulled out a gun, but my throat was drying quick and as i tried to shout for Owen, my voice turned into rasps and not even a squek escpaed my lips. I could hear him approaching, Owen, what was going on? is he in on this? were they going to kill me? 

As my Owen approached the door, his face faltered a little seeing my face, but it was too late, his face became a picture of shock and even before the sound of the gun had processed in my head, a patch o blood grew in his thigh, and he fell to the ground. The glass smashed. 

I loved that glass.

And Owen. 

"Come then my Creation, we have work to do" it all went black again. 

What the fuck-

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