1.5 Fear

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Okay so lied a little.... Claire knew about the secret and so did Dr Wu. When I was in the enclosure Claire would watch me, wait for me to shift. When I was younger I didn't have much control, and when I was in human form they would conduct tests to check on me. As I got older she made me refer to her as mother, it was crazy that none else noticed how crazy SHE was acting. He manic desire to please the public and have control over the dinosaurs in the park.

I was in view of them, they're eyes studying me, Claire smiling. "You made a human... a human dinosaur?" Said Dr Grant, the disbelief hanging on each word as he pronounced it. "Well she was engineered not made. Not like the others. She was our special girl". I could feel the anger growing inside me, the wind blew my h/c hair across my face, making my yellow eyes stand out even more amongst the branches. "Can she talk?" Asks Owen I snap my head at him, Jesus is he thick? I leap down from my tree and walk towards him "of course I can talk Mr Grady, and quite frankly It's offensive you think I can't" shock. Silence. Another word beginning with s that describes the awkwardness surrounding the group at this moment.

"It's nice to see you again y/n I will say your more beautiful than we ever imagined"  I roll my eyes and turn to Claire "it's too late for flattery Claire, why are you here?"  She laughs an eerie laugh that echos through the trees, and I sense blues aura tensing up. I reach a hand behind me calling her forward. Claire stops laughing, and gains a sly look on her face. "We're here for you silly! We weren't going to leave you on the island"  "I don't want to leave this is my home"   "Course this isn't your home, there are... monsters here" Blue snaps at her and I calm her down. "I'm not leaving Claire, you can't change my mind" I turn and head back to the tree line. "Wait!!" Shouts Doctor Grant after me, he does a little run up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder, I stop. Bones ever touched me before. "Please, we need your help, we won't make you leave but if you can stay with us until we leave, just so we feel safe... we'll leave the island alone... none will ever come again" never again? My island would be left alone... but spend god knows how long with Claire? My eyes flicker across Claire, standing smugly, arms across her chest. Then over Grant, he's nervous, agitated and worried.

Finally my eyes reach Owen Grady. I got this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, like something was moving in it.... like... like there were butterflies in my stomach. Gross.

"Fine, BUT I'm not being left alone with Claire, and Blue comes with us" "Well of course" mutters Owen. "Oh thank you miss... miss"  "y/n, my name is y/n" I force a smile to ease his tension. "Thank you y/n" replies Dr Grant

My eyes wonder back to Claire
She's smiling at me...

My eyes wonder back to Claire She's smiling at me

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