1.1 My home

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I'd been sat alone on my tree for a while. The other dinos feared me but respected me. I was the Alpha of the Island. I was the idomonous Rex, I was half human.

The breeze blew my h/c hair, my yellow eyes staring into the sun. After everyone left the Island I managed to claw myself out of the bastard that swallowed me. I'd kept my secret in the park, is was easy enough, none had managed to spot me when I would shift, it took me seconds.

As I was pondering the past, and how amazing my life was now when Blue appeared. It had been 10 years and she was now my Second. We respected each other, were best friends. She knew my secret and would protect me in human form.

"On the east... there's... a ... it's..." I let out a low chuckle. "Breath Blue" I see her scales slowly rise and a sigh is released. "There's a helicopter on the east island circulating the island" my stomach fell, what if they were back. I used to hear Claire talk about the old parks being opened and closed then re-opened and closed. Poor pitiful Claire, so innocent, how bad she must feel now. But what if they were opening this park again?

"Thank you Blue" I rise slowly from the grass patch I was led in, I was now 5 times her size and towered over her. "Hop on". We have learnt that blue can sit perfectly with talons hooked in my scales as I run, kinda like a piggy back ride for dinos.

We sprint to the other side of the island, none will over take my island.

We reach the other side of the island, the helicopter could be heard above hovering. The shouts of people could be heard. "Owen don't go down there!-" Owen. Not him. I could feel blues Aura uplift at his name. I cannot loose my right hand.

I had to make a choice.


A/n ~ sorry it's short it's just the opening though so other chapters will be longer!

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