2.1 New beginings and torture

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I yawn and stretch out in the half light reaching for the ceiling. I still wasn't used to a bed, the soft comfort of the pillows and the still air.
Owen had bought me running clothes in an effort to get me more accustomed to my life, but running in leggings down a busy street in a city doesn't compare to running around in my other "form" as I learnt to call it. On my own island. What could even compare to that...?

*3 hours later*

"This donut is amazing! What is this?" Owen chuckles and looks at me. "I take it you like it then?" I spin around fast coming face to face with him, our faces inches apart. He coughed and took a step back. "I love them! What are they?" I ask as I look around for the box they came in. "It's a 'lotus biscoff donut, coffee basically, figured you would like it" he smiles grabbing one from the box.
"So uh how are you feeling? I know you aren't used to this all and it's only been a few month's since ya know and " he was rambling again. Sometimes he seems scared to even mention what happened, what could've happened and why it didn't.

I still have nightmares about it, about Claire, her weird ass creepy doll stare.

"-And that's why we have to go back this weekend"

"-And that's why we have to go back this weekend"

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