1.3 Ugh Claire

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We'd been watching these 3 for an hour or two now, I say we, Blue had fallen asleep after half an hour out of boredom. The temptation to leave her was growing.

The older man, who they referred to as Dr Grant now? I still recognise that name... oh well. "So how long must we stay here?" Says Dr grant, "as long as it takes for us to find Blue" "weren't there more than one raptors?" He replies "there were four... 2 died one went missing and Blue just stuck with us until we left" you could see the sadness grow on Owens face. I guess he really cared for them?

"So uh, Dr Grant, i didn't get the time to say this earlier, this whole thing was rushed, but it's a pleasure to meet you sir" "Ah yeah sure... are you sure we are safe here... I feel like someone is watching us..." he scanned the clearing. "I'm sure we are safe I did check the perimeter" LIE! He ran scared from me to the clearing with the copter. That's when Grants eyes locked with mine. His piercing blue eyes seemed to shrink as the pupil grew. "Is that a girl?" Owen turned to where me and blue were, I reached a hand onto blues chest to wake her. Blue, startled, jolted forward and snapped at me. Dr Grant and Owen now stared in our direction. "Is that a..." says Owen "that's what I thought....". Both slowly walk forward, it's like I'm frozen on the spot. "hey guys! I made food! Hurry up!" Claire shouts, beating trees out the way. Her stupidity allowed us a distraction to leave, wow.
"Claire there's a girl here" "I think we should expand the search" As they began discussing me and blue moved, now into a tree with a loped side for blue. "What if I go west more? That's where she was" "Or we wait till morning and search all over?" Grant replied obviously nervous to let the only strong man who could control the raptors to leave at night. This whole time though I couldn't take my eyes off of Claire. She knew. I knew she knew. She hadn't told them?

"Guys... I - I really don't think.... I don't think we need to look for her.... she uh.... it's a ghost!" Both Owen and Grant look at her in disbelief. "Claire" begins dr Grant but Owen buts in "what do you know" she looks at the floor and then in the distance. "I can't believe she survived this long" there was a sense of pride in her voice. "What do you mean Claire" a smile grew on her face, it was kinda creepy "god if only Henry (dr Henry wu the scientist) were here! He'd be so proud!" The men stared at her "What?" Claire replies innocently.

"Claire what do you know? Who is the girl?"

"Claire what do you know? Who is the girl?"

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