1.7 All in the eyes

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Y/n Pov;

There is no way that that is Claire's jacket right? She's smart, and we would have heard her scream right? "We have to find her" Owen orders, he snaps his gun into action a spins back to face me "can you find her?" I could, I have enhanced senses because of my DNA. Doesn't mean I will.

"Why would I? After everything she did to me? Everything she's put me through over the years? No thank you, I say good riddance" Owen rolls his eyes to left, dr Grant has a sympathetic look on his face, he could tell they'd have to do a lot to convincing g. "Y/N" dr Grant starts "her technological advancements have helped many people" helped? Not her "and all the people she's killed through pushing for those advances? By being stubborn? By pushing Mother Nature?" I raise an eyebrow. They both knew I had a point, many people had died because of her.

Owen walks towards me and stretched out an arm, placing his hand on my small shoulder, causing me to jump. "We know you don't like, we don't expect you too, but Claire has helped and will help millions of people with her stubborn ways, besides, she made you, if it wasn't for her you..... you wouldn't be alive, and we wouldn't have met" a soft smile spreads slightly over his face, it was a comforting warm smile, the sort to make a girl melt on sight. A take a deep breath, already regretting the words about to barrel out of my mouth.

"Okay fine I'll do it but on my conditions and you both have to do exactly what I say other wise we could lose either of you, and I have to stay in human form for walking and we have to rest a lot because I'll get tired easily and-" I pause and look up, they were staring directly at me "and you both need to trust me" I can Owens body shift from side to side, I knew dr Grant would be willing to but I knew Owen would struggle he was the 'great raptor trainer' after all.

"Whatever you say miss Y/N" Grant nods towards me, I didn't fancy his formalities but it did give me a slight feel of power I'll admit. I gaze back at Owen "and you? Owen" his eyes dart up to me, meeting my own.

"I'll follow you anywhere"

Sorry for slow update and small chapter, but I'm on holiday after finishing my exams and am just trying to sort out something's. Thanks for being patient, promise they will get longer again!

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