1.8 Get ready to go!

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Y/n pov;

"Are you ready yet Grant?" I say, walking towards the helicopter. "Yes I am, I was just grabbing some things" he turns towards me, and his face goes puzzled. "You know, Claire has clothing in here that will fit you, they're warm and comfy, and those are...." too short? Cold at night? Itchy from dirt? I knew everything's passing through his mind. After the park was abandoned I knew I needed human clothes to shift into, whatever I'm wearing turns into my thick skin when I shift, so when I turn human I'm wearing it. The only place with clothes was the gift shop. Because I had a petit frame I had gotten away with wearing a HUGE Jurassic world t-shirt as a sort of dress, however it had tears in and had become warn out since I first got it.

I smiled at the man, and he gave me directions as to where I could find Claire's clothes. When I opened the gray crate I was not surprised, almost all her clothes where white ish, or pinky. So I grab what I can, white shorts and a belt when Owen walks in. "Um y/n?" He catches me off guard and I drop everything im holding causing us both to laugh "uh yeah Owen what is it?" I say grabbing the clothes. "What are you... doing?" Jesus what does it look like? "Allen pointed out I could do with some new clothes" I say gesturing to my own outfit. He smiles lightly "I'll admit her shirts are all horrible though" I say holding up a light pink with neon yellow flowers top. "I mean if it fits you can wear one of mine" now this I was not opposed too, I got up  and walked with him to a small bag, in it were 3 shirts all the same and 2 button ups. I grab one of the button ups and without thinking turn around and whip my top off and slid the button up and face him. His mouth made a perfect O shape and eyes were wider than the moon  "what?" I ask "does it not suit me?" I tie up the bottom of the top so it's a crop top and put the shorts on. "Um.. y/n? Most... people don't strip off..... in front of others especially not the uh, opposite sex" I feel my face burn.

Oh god, Owen Grady sore me naked

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