2.2 Life.

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His words hung in the air.
Had I heard him right?
Go back?
I can't go back...
I can't go...
Can't go back...
Can't breathe...
"Hey wake up there y/n" something tapped on my shoulder. "There you go come on... open your eyes"

My eyes fluttered open... where am I?
"She's awake!" The voice called. I was alone. It's.... dark here. I don't know where the voice is coming from. The airs damp.

Lights flash on, bright and blinding, making me flinch. "Hello Y/N how are you feeling this morning?" Another voice. But.
That voice... I... I know that voice! I need to open my eyes. I need to see anything, feel something. "Who are you?" My voice is coarse, throat dry. I become aware of just how thirsty I am, and hungry? Yes hungry. "It's me... Your mother"

Now my eyes flew open.
I was back. Back in my room. The walls white, bed white, glass window, pillow white, white speaker, white floor, white tiles, white light.
"Why am I here?" I say louder than before. I couldn't be here. How?
She giggles, no she's laughing. Loudly. It makes me want to scream, scream for help and scream for.... Owen.
"Where's Owen?!" I shout, trying to stand, but legs are week, my arms hurt, and my head... it's so... so heavy, are heads always this heavy?
"Owen... my my did you forget?" She tilts her head to the side, pouting mockingly.
"You killed him Y/N"

"Hey wake up there y/n" I shook her shoulders and she groaned "There you go come on... open your eyes" nothing. I don't know what's going on, I knew she'd freak out, I thought she'd shout, scream, cry or... turn. But she shrunk, she turned in on herself. I think it was a panic attack but I can't be sure. I don't have time to debate this her breathing... it's shallow.

Somethings wrong.
She needs help.
But who?

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