1.10 Really?

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I don't know how long I'd been in the river, blue had come by nuzzled me and left, and the sun was soon to set. But something was bugging me, I couldn't put my finger on what yet, but it was there, in the back of my mind as I studied the trees and the rocks. Letting a deep sigh I sunk under the cold water, letting it surround my body and chill my face. I stayed there, fo a while. I can hold my breath for a very long time, perk I guess.

I rose back up for air, coming face to face with Owen. "We really have to stop meeting like this" I say smirking as I sank down again, my chest covered by the water so he less uncomfortable. "I uh- yeah yeah we do" he gave an awkward smile back and sat down. "How long will it take? To walk the island completely?" That was a hard question, I'm not entirely sure. "Honestly, I don't know. I've never walked it all at once surprisingly. Why? You in a hurry to ditch me?" Nudging him slightly I smirk "you? Never in a million years" he smiles back. Did not expect that. There's a pause and he takes a deep breath. "Why don't you want to leave this place? You'd never have to worry about being attacked, you could sleep in a comfy bed each night" I search his eyes too see if he was trying to be sincere or snarky, to my surprise his eyes were deep, you could get lost in them. "I've never left the island, I was born here, I grew up here. This is my home, everyone and everything on it is my family" he nods, almost disappointed? "What about your parents? Maybe you could meet them" laughing I look up at the sun as it was setting "they don't want me Owen, I'm a monster now. They gave me up, and now im..... this, why would they choose to have me?" Tears pricked my eyes as I thought about this. The parents who were supposed to protect me, gave me up for a fast buck when I was 2 weeks old at the most. Selling me to a psycho, they'd never want me now. "I'm a monster, none loves a monster" a tear rolls down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away before looking back at Owen.

His big dopey face was swallowed in sadness as he looked at me, studying my face. "Your not a monster" he says at last, placing a hand on my shoulder "you are anything but a monster" Owen smiles reassuringly, rubbing my shoulder with his hand. I shoot him a small smile back before looking up again at the sun. What was happening to me?

There's a pause, and for a moment it's like the world went away, it was just me and Owen watching the sun go down. The remaining sun beams stretching as far as they could go over the island, catching on every little thing they could.

"So! You ready to keep walking?" He says standing up, clasping his hands together. I roll my eyes "really Owen?"  "What?" He looks confused "ugh ruin the moment" I say sanding up and storming off out of the lake to the tree line where my clothes where, not caring now if he sees me naked, he has already anyway. I leave him stood there staring at me.

"ruin the moment...? Oh shite" he says to himself, but I'm out of ear shot now, even with my enhanced hearing.

Those gosh darn butterflies seemed to have morphed into something... bigger now. It's like have seagulls in your belly. Ugh I hate seagulls

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