2.3 Survive

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"If you stop trying to turn I'll explain what's going on" Claire spat as she sat playing with her cuticles. "I'll never... stop" I pant. I've been trying to shift for the past half hour. None was trying to stop me, which is weird.

Finally I let out a defeated sigh and slump in the corner of my room. I miss blue, echo and delta, most of all I miss Owen. "Would you like me to explain why you can't shift now?" I close my eyes. Maybe if I ignore her she'll just go, it must've been hours now I've been stuck here. Even when I was younger she'd never stick around this long. "I'm not leaving if that's what your thinking" my eyes flick back to her in the window. She was filing her nails now. If I could just break that window I could get out. I can go back home, wherever that is.
"Oh no what's wrong y/n? You look... like you have emotions! Which is just preposterous considering your... well you know... a genetically modified experiment of a dinosaur in a humans body" is that all I was? An experiment?
"I have a proposition for you" I eyes her warily, a deal with Claire could be dangerous.
"You have abundance of time to think about it believe me" she smiled standing up and walking closer to the glass. "What is it?" Her smile widened. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea? I'm literally making a deal with the devil now.

"I'm so glad you asked!" Claire clasps her hands together. "You see, you can't get out, it's impossible. You can't turn either. You see, I will realise you if you kill blue" I breathed in sharply. Blue was here? Are my other sisters here? Where? I jumped up and sped to the glass.
She chuckles.
Where they've always been.

"I'm sorry I didn't know who else to call... she just fainted" I looked over to him. "It's fine... you know, she was always my favourite. You can guess why. She  is beautiful though" I felt a growl rise from the pit of my stomach. Y/n was mine, my beautiful weirdo. "Relax, I'm not going to make a move on her. I'm basically her father" he knelt down beside her, stroking her face.

"My beautiful monster... what is going on inside your head?"

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