1.13 Oh sweetie

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"So Grant, what did y/n want?" Owen pressured. Y/N was leading by a further 5 meters, you could only see the silhouette of her petite frame as she carefully trudged on. "She uh- she doesn't think Claire's alive... the odds she would have had to go through don't make the out come look good Owen. You know that" Owen took a deep sigh, a determined look spreading over his face. "She wanted to give up" grants eyes studied Owens face, wary of what he would say next. "No.. no she didn't. She just didn't want us... you... getting hurt. Especially when Claire's probably dead".

Y/n stopped slightly ahead on the pair. An odd smell hung in the air, beautiful but sickly sweet. It was Claire. "Grant Owen! Hurry up I smell something!" The two men quickened their paces to catch up with y/n. "What is it?" Grady pressed " I can smell her perfume, it's still strong so she has been here recently... we need to be careful okay" the men nodded synchronised looking at the woodland around them.

This was an island of dinosaurs. Anything could happen.

Y/n pov:

I couldn't get him out my head, and it was clouding my judgment. I could see a light ignite in Owens eyes when I called them over, he must be desperate to see, to hold, Claire again. Why wouldn't he be?

A dark shadow cast over my face as we headed further in the direction of her perfume. "Hey..y/n... can we- we talk?" I jumped. It was Owen. "Yeah sure. What's up?" My eyes studied him as we walked, now he really was a distraction from the task at hand. His broad shoulders, deep eyes, perfect facial structure.

"Y/n?" He snapped me out of my daze "sorry yes?" "I asked if you think... if you think Claire is alive" the faltering in his tone was surprisingly cute, he was adorable when he was worried, unlike Claire who's worrying made he seem like an anxious pig heading knowingly for slaughter. "No I don't. After everything we've seen, where we've been, how far we have walked? No. If Claire's alive it will be a miracle"

He was thinking. He was even cuter when he was thinking. "What should we do?" The question started him, he obviously wasn't expecting me to ask him. "I uh- I don't know. I want to keep looking but at this point it's looking futile".

Grant who had hung at the back, although clearly listening in, tapped us on the shoulder "there's a shoe" we both spun, how had I missed this?! A bright ish baby pink shoe was resting in the mud, another slightly to the right in a bush. Whatever happened must have got messy. "That's definitely Claire's. It's still warm so she must be near by" Owen stated lifting the shoe from the mud.

"oh boyyyyys! Looking for something?" A shrill voice called from high above. It can't be Claire, right? Wrong. I was so SO wrong. "Oh how the tables have turned! Who's the one in power now hey y/n?" She leaped down from the slightly high branch. I think she wanted to look impressive? I didn't work.  "Claire oh god! We were so worried-". Claire raised her hand to Owen making him quieten as she slowly stalked towards me. "I'm sure you were ALL worried. Even you y/n right?" She laughed loudly.

"What happened?" Grant asked after a pause, her eyes flickered a yellowy orange as she smirked before her head snapped and she walked towards him. Her eyes... I've seen that before, I know that I've- I've..... I have to kill her oh god.

I leapt onto he back, yanking on her hair, grappling on her face. Owens screamed some muffled words, pulling me off and throwing me too the ground. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He shouted as I propped myself up. "ME?! ASK HER!" I point in her direction, she was clearly finding the spectacle entertaining. "Oh sweetie, there's nothing wrong with me! And soon? There won't be with you either" she let out a loud laugh.

Everything clouded, and fuzzed over, as my vision grew dark. I clutched my sauce where a sudden stabbing pain erupted.

Everything was gone.

In a second, I was gone.


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