Wedding Part V

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~Izuku's POV~

"Okay! We're here!" Mina announced. We all piled out of the car and entered the boutique

Inside mom, Toshinori, Tsuyu and Tokoyami (A/N; ITTT) were waiting for us

"Hi Izuku" mom said hugging me "I have some news"

~Oh lord please don't tell me she's pregnant~

"Y-you're not pregnant....right?" I asked holding her hands

She didn't say anything, but her silence answered my question loud and clear. Especially with the blush accenting her cheeks. I immediately glared at Toshinori who visibly flinched and gulped loudly

"I-" I cut him off before he could finish

"It's only been two months you know" I said "ya' couldn't wait a little longer?!"

"I-it just h-happened" he stuttered shrugging

"Get out of my sight" I growled and he immediately ran out of the boutique into his car to follow Kaachan and Tokoyami

"Izuku!" Mom scolded slapping my arm with a small smile playing on her lips

"It's only been two months mom!" I said throwing my hands in the air (A/N; 🎶 I throw my hands up in the air sometimes, sayin' 'Ayeo gotta let go') "couldn't he wait, oh I don't know, three more months.........or years"

"I asked for this Izuku!" She said putting her hands on her hips

"Why mom?" I asked tilting my head to the side

"You're leaving now to start a family of your own" she said with a sad smile "I wanna hold a baby that's mine in my arms one more time before I leave the earth"

"Alright alright" I said before sitting on the cream colored couch situated on a wall, the boutique was like any other, cream colored walls, black tiled floors, wracks of wedding dresses put on display and a little catwalk for the bride-to-be to modle the dresses she (or he in my case) may be interested in

"Ah Izuku you're here" Mitsuki said coming through a door I didn't see "this is Victor, he owns the place"

(A/N; Yuri on Ice)

"Very pleased to meet you all" he said with an accent I couldn't quite place

"Nice to meet you too" we replied

"Now, I believe the man with green hair is the one being fitted today?" He asked flicking his white hair to the right

"Me and the girl with the brown hair" I said pointing at Uraraka

"Alright, come with me and we will find your dream dresses" he said walking behind the curtain at the starting end of the catwalk

"Well, let's go" Ura said pulling me in the direction Victor just left

(A/N; SpongeBob SquarePants)

🥦💥❄️🔥Three hours later🔥❄️💥🥦

"How about this one" I said walking out on the catwalk in a green dress.

"How about this one" I said walking out on the catwalk in a green dress

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