We Are Together Again

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~Izuku's POV~ [A week later]

"KAACHAN NO!! PLEASE DON'T THROW ME IN!! I'M STILL IN MY Pjs!!" I yelled trying to wiggle out of Kaachan's grip as he walks towards the pool in the back yard. After Sho-chan and Kaachan saved me from Shindou a week ago they babied me for THREE DAYS GAY (I'm not going to say 'straight' because I'm not)

They fed me, bathed me, carried me all over the house, drew with me (even though they were terrible at it) and a bunch of other stuff. I'll admit, I liked it at first but after a while it started to get annoying, I even went on my knees and begged them to stop, but that didn't work so I fake cried, luckily, THAT worked.

I went back to doing my online classes and I'll be graduating in three weeks since I finished my last exam yesterday. Since a lot of stuff had happened to me in the last few weeks I missed my exams, so Kaachan threatened them into letting me take them again, I didn't agree to it but I was not going to complain. After I finished the last one I was starting to worry that I'll fail but after 'Frozen' and 'Frozen II', to annoy Sho-chan, 'Avengers; End Game' ,two whole tubs of Mint chocolate chip ice cream and two days of full body workouts I started to feel better about it.

I'll be getting my results in two weeks and I'm nervous as hell, I told Sho-chan and Kaachan about it this morning and this is the result; Kaachan carrying me bridal style to the pool about to throw me in and Sho-chan grinning like a mad man walking behind us

"It's time for you to chill out" Kaachan said before throwing me into the pool

~oh I'm going to get pay back~

Knowing fully well that Sho-chan being his overprotective self will blow a gasket if he sees me drowning, but since I can swim I'll have to fake it.

"Ahhhh!-grrlll! I can't-ggrlll! Hel-plllggrrll!" I screamed and flail my arms around in the water trying my best to fake drown. Though it seems to be working, Sho-chan immediately jumped into the pool pulling me out of the water, I take in a mouth full of water and close my eyes.

"C'mon Izu baby wake up" he wispered doing CPR "wake up baby, wake up" I then coughed up the water I had magically stored in my throat, blinking before opening my eyes fully

"W-what ha-ppened" I asked trying my hardest not to laugh at the guilty look on Kaachan's face and the pissed off look on Sho-chan's

"Katsuki. Bakugou" Sho-chan said slowly turning to Kaachan

"Y-yeah" Kaachan answered gulping

"I'm going to give you 5. Seconds. To get out of my sight before I kill you" Sho-chan said in a dark tone of voice "five"

"Babe, let's talk about this" Kaachan said backing away from Sho-chan


"Baby, I'll do anything you want, just please"


"I'll cook, I'll bathe you both, I'll do whatever you want"


"Okay, uhhh, bye" Kaachan ran into the house Sho-chan hot on his tail


"Sike" I mumbled slowly getting up only to be scooped up and held bridal style

"Hey Izu baby, you okay now?" Sho-chan asked gently cradling me in his arms,

"Yeah, just a little tired" I said. I wasn't lying, fake drowning took a lot out of me

"You can't swim?" He asked walking back into the house with me

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