Graduation Party

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Deku got some thick thighs tho 👌

~Izuku's POV~

"OH MY GOD! WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR?!" I yelled searching through the walk-in closet trying to find something presentable to wear to this party

After I got my graduation present from Mitsuki (which is the green Lamborghini) even though I tried to refuse, I drove right home (and let me tell you that car drove like a beauty), Kami called me and told me about a party so I called Sho-chan to tell him where I was. Now here I am, making a mess of the closet trying to find something presentable to wear to the stupid party

"THE F🤗 HAPPENED IN HERE?!" I heard Kaachan yell "IZUKU?!"

"IN HERE!" I yell back

"What are you doing princess?" Sho-chan asked wrapping his arms around my waist and putting his head on my shoulder (😉Cue the song😉)

"I'm trying to find something to wear to this party, but I can't find anything" I whined

"You want us to pick something out baby?" He asked rubbing my stomach

~What am I? Pregnant?~

"I don't want to bother you" I said

"KAT!" He yelled

"OI, WHAT YOU YELLIN' FOR?! I'M RIGHT HERE!" Kaachan yelled from right beside us

"Kaachan you're yelling too" I said rubbing my ears

"Sorry baby" he said kissing the shell of my ears

"It's okay" I pecked his lips

"Now why was Icy-hot calling me?" He asked pulling me out of Sho-chan's arms into his

"Can you help me help Izu find something to wear to the party?" He asked apparently not liking the fact that I'm not in his arms and wrapped them around me and Kaachan

"F🤗, Shouto stop squeezing my ass~" Kaachan moaned into my neck

"Why?" Sho-chan asked "you know you like it, so why should I stop?"

"Because we have work to do" he said

"Fine" Sho-chan said defeated "pick him up and put him on the bed"

"W-wait wha-" I was cut off by kaachan picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder "K-kaachan! A-ahhh~" I moan as he squeezed my ass. Very. Hard

"That sounded amazing baby~" he said seductively caressing the area he squeezed

"Katsuki" I scolded as he put me to lie down

"Yes Izuku" he said taking off my hoodie

"W-what are you doing" I asked as he took off my boots and socks (and yes they were fluffy(-_-))

"I don't know" he said taking my pants off "what am I doing?"

"K-katsuki?" I called as he pulls off my boxers and licked my inner thighs "mmmnnn~"

"I love it when you moan" he said crawling on top of me and started sucking my left nipple, pinching and twisting the right one

"Nnwah!~" I moan loudly as he bites me "K-kaachan s-stop~"

"Why?" He asked kissing down my happy trail

"B-because if you do I-I'll give y-you anything you want l-later tonight" I bargained

"Okay" he said kissing my belly button "Oi, Shouto, you find anything yet?!"

"Yea-" Sho-chan cut himself off at the sight of Kaachan on top of my naked body "Katsuki?"

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