Takeo and Just Us

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~Izuku's POV~

".....Takeo?" I wispered, not believing that he was actually here, right in front of me. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off-

"So your the f🤗er who's hurt my fiancé" I heard a voice that sounded like Kaachan's growl. I looked behind me to see that it was indeed Kaachan along with Sho-chan right beside him, both had a scowl on their lips

"Your what?" Takeo asked looking at Kaachan and Sho-chan with a hint of fear and disbelief in his eyes

~Trus me Hun, you should be scared~

"Your name is Takeo, Arata Takeo, right?" Sho-chan asked ignoring Takeo's previous question

"Yes that's me" Takeo said pushing up his glasses on his nose, I used to find the action cute, but not anymore

"If I remember correctly, you helped in the bullying of Izuku" Sho-chan accused stepping closer to Takeo

"W-what?" He asked obviously not believing what he's hearing "n-no I didn't w-we were best friends" he lied smoothly

~The lying bitch! Alright, you wanna play, let's play~

I quietly took out my phone and texted Kiri

Cute lil' broccoli 🥦:
Hey Kiri, this is important

The Rock⛰️:
Yeah, what's up?🤔

Cute lil'broccoli🥦:
Can you come pick up a........... package for me please

️The Rock⛰️:
This....... package is a person....... isn't it 😥

Cute lil' broccoli🥦:
Yes 😠😡👿

️The Rock⛰️:
Who is it, you're not usually this pissed 😰

Cute lil' broccoli🥦:
It's Takeo

️The Rock⛰️:

Cute lil' broccoli🥦:
Don't, just come pick him up and lock him up somewhere back home, please

The Rock⛰️:
Alright, I'll be there in a few

Cute lil' broccoli🥦:

Thanks Kiri 😊

The Rock⛰️:
No prob Mido, I'll see you later

Cute lil' broccoli🥦:
Alright see you

I looked up to see and hear Kaachan and Takeo in a heated argument, a crowd had also been formd around us, not that I cared, I mean, I'm not the center of attention, I walked over to Sho-chan and tugged on his sleeve

~Even in heels he's still taller than me?! This is not fair!!~

"Yeah babe" he said looking down at me, I waved down to signal to him that he should bend down

"Can you help Kaachan stall Takeo?" I wispered when my lips were near his ear

"Stall him for what?" He asked snaking his arms around my waist

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