Just One More Day Without You

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~Todoroki's POV~

"Shouto, I'll be back by tomorrow morning, relax" Izuku said from the other side of the phone

After Katsu and I had our little play time yesterday I called Izu before going to bed, keeping up my end of the deal and showered him with complements until he couldn't take it anymore. This morning, I took a shower, got dressed in his biggest hoodie and my boxers and curled up in the bed. Since Kat insisted on making breakfast since he doesn't trust me in the kitchen I decided to call our cinnamon roll.

"But baby I miss you so goddamn much" I whined rolling onto my back and staring up at the ceiling

"Sho-chan, I'm not going to disappear from the face of the planet, calm down, jeez" he said "Hey, where's Suki?"

"Downstairs making breakfast" I said rolling my eyes "he says he doesn't trust me in the kitchen right now"

"Does he have his phone near him?" He asked

"Yeah, why?" I asked forrowing my brows

"Hold on" he said

"What up hoes" I heard Kat say answering the phone

"Kaachan, that's rude!" Izuku scolds

"Exactly, if anyone's a hoe here it's you" I said looking at my nails

"Sho-chan!" Izu scolds "you know damn well that is not what I meant!"

"Oi! shut up peppermint" Kat said

"Kaachan!" Izu scolded again "If you two say one more rude thing, you can say 'goodbye' to the next whole week of cuddles"

"Yes mom" Kat and I said in unison

"Good!" Izuku said "now, what are you two wearing?"

"Why do you want to know?" I asked a little curious

"Yeah, what peppermint said" Kat said

"Just wanted to know" Izu answer

"Oi! Give a better answer than that, I know you can smartass" Kat says

"Okay okay, I'm kinda, sorta hard and mom just went to the market so I'm alone and I can openly moan like you two are actually here" he said, I could practically hear the embarrassed blush in his voice

"So, what you're saying is that you wanna have phone sex?" I asked raising an eyebrow again even though I knew he couldn't see me

"No, not necessarily, okay maybe, I don't know" Izu said

"What if I just told you I was naked, would that help?" Kat asked

"...........no it doesn't help" Izu answered

"Okay, I'm wearing your biggest hoodie and my boxers" I said

"That's it?" Izu asked

"Yeah" I said

"Take everything off" he said

"What?!" I asked startled

"Take. Everything. Off" he repeated

"Okay then.......?" I said and did as I was told "I'm naked, what now?"

"Send me a pic" he said

"Are you going to send me one?" I asked

"Nope"  he said popping the 'p'


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