The Prey

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I just wanted to get this out there, None of the artworks are mine.

Now onto the story ❤️💥❄️🔥🥦

Izuku's POV~

"Izuku!"Mom called from the kitchen

"Yes mom!"I answered half asleep as I tried to roll out of bed.

"It's time to go to school!"she shouts

"I'm coming!" I then get out of bed and went to get a bath since we don't have enough money to get a shower "Ughhhhh" I groan as the cold water attacks my body waking me up fully.I then washed off the soap dried myself and got dressed, grabbing my back pack I ran to the kitchen.

"Hi Mom, bye Mom"I said kissing her cheek, grabbing an apple and ran to U.A University."bye sweetie"

You're probably wondering 'if you're so poor how can you and your Mom afford such a school?' well, one day a very unlucky guy accidentally left a brief case that had five Million dollars in it on a park bench, I just took advantage of the situation, and of course I stored the rest in a Bank account helping my Mom when I can with the bills, up to this day my Mom still doesn't know how I got into U.A and I don't intend on telling her, it'll just disappoint her and I don't want that.

You're also probably wondering 'where tis my dad in all this?', when I was ten my mom came home crying and told me that 'daddy's gone and he won't be coming back' at first I didn't understand what she was saying at all but after reading between the lines I realized that she was trying to say that he's DEAD. I honestly never really knew him. He was always at work and barely ever came home all I knew was that he existed. So I took it upon myself to comfort my mom in those times before she got over it.

"Hey Deku-kun"Uraraka my best friend that I saw more as a sister here at U.A greeted

"Hey Ura, what's up?"I asked

"Iida-kun can't come to school today, he's sick"she explained with a sad expression probably worried for her boyfriend.

"Oh okay, I'll give him a call later"I said and the warning bell rang "let's get to class"

"Yeah"as we got to class Aizawa Sensei wasn't there yet so we took our seats.

"Good morning class" Aizawa Sensei said in his usual sleepy time as rolls into class in his yellow sleeping bag "Do whatever you want just don't wake me up" he said curling up in a corner to fall asleep.

People got up to talk to each other while I decided to call Iida.



RIII-"Hello" came Iida's response

"Hey Iida it's Midoriya"I said

"Oh hello Midoriya" he said "how are you"

"I could ask you the same thing"I said chuckling

"I'm okay just a little cold" he said sounding slightly stuffy

"Well I hope you get better soon"I said

"Thank you Midoriya"

"No problem Iida"
I said and hung up

"Hey Deku-kun the bell just rang wanna go out for lunch or get lunch here?"Uraraka asked

"Whatever you want Ura"I said shrugging as I picked up my yellow book bag

"Alright let's go"she said and we set off to grab some food" I have to get something in here though"she said referring to a store a few buildings from U.A.

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