24- Nҽա PɾօҍӀҽʍs

196 14 5


That nigga got the nerve to leave me like that and let me get hit in the back of the head with a damn water bottle the fuck does that but best believe I got something for new trick of his, she don't know what she dealing with. I walked upstairs looking for a certain box for a tape to send to his little hoe as a nice new years present. I aint gonna lie I sleep with a lot of guys and I always tape them so I found the tape with me and him listed M&A put it in a brown envelope and drove to his house.

"Happy new years bitch."

I kiss the envelope and slide in his mail box leaving into my car driving off.

The Next Morning


I wake up to the smell of breakfast downstairs, the shower running in the bathroom and a major headache. I got up walking in the bathroom seeing him in the shower. I looked in the mirror and didn't see any marks like I hope I would. I took some pills and swallowed some water.

"Looking for marks huh?" he said opening the shower door

"Whhaatt?" I tried to play it off

"No we didn't you fell asleep on someone." he said

"Baaaee I didn't mean too."

"Its cool I wanted you to be sober and love you the right way."

"Well how about I make it up." I took off my bra and panties having him lick his lips.

"Bring that ass here girl!" he grabbed me and pulled me into the shower.


"See you done made our breakfast cold." I laughed walking in the kitchen

"So you thought I wasn't gonna come in the bathroom." said Kaymie walking behind me

"Maybe...... maybe not."

My phone was ringing and it was my nigga Hakeem.

"What's up?"

"Boss wants up to come in."

"Yo foreal I was trying to spend the day with my girl."

"He says its important."

I sighed,"Iight I'll be up there soon."

The phone disconnected and I looked at Kaymie.

"Baby I-"

"Go ahead it fine just be home tonight." she said warming up her plate

"What tonight?" I smirked

"Just wait on it." she laughed

I kissed her lips and took another shower with out her in it.

30 Minutes Later

"What's up boss." I dapper him,Rakeem and Hakeem

"What's up young blood?" he said smoking out of a pipe.

"Nothing just chilling."

"Well since I got y'all her I gotta ask y'all about who I'm leaving in charge."

"In charge?" Hakeem,Rakeem and I said

"I'm going on a trip to expand in the Bahamas."

"Who is in charge?" asked Rakeem


After Malik left I cleaned up the house, changing my clothes to skinnies and a t-shirt,I left the house and  went to get some thing for tonight. I walked outside and looked at the mailbox....... I'll grab it later.

I went to the grocery store grabbing fruits and chocolate seeing someone was looking at me but when I turned around no one was there

BreyBae:I bought the matching set and its green lace and I also bought the pumps you wanted the already in the house.

Me:Thanks babe did you buy the candles?

BreyBae:Already in the house in a box with Bath&Body Works shit

Me:Lol I owe you a solid Bae thanks

I bumped into a tall figure dropping all of my things.

"I'm sorry beautiful." he said

"Nahh not paying attention is my thing." I dusted off my pants ad he was picking up my things

I gotta say he was better looking than Malik but Malik got my heart.

"Thanks."I said grabbing my things from him

"No problem beautiful." he smiled

"Yeaaaa bye." I turned around walking away

"Wait I didn't get your name?" he said

"I'm ina rush." I said walking away

"Bye rush!" he said watching me leave

Lord not today.

It was about 8 when I got back home and Malik wasn't here yet so I checked the mail seeing a big envelope that caught my eye. I ripped it open since it didn't have me or Malik's name on it seeing a tape with the words A&M.

I sat the tape on the dresser in the living room waiting till tomorrow to look at it but I wanted to see what was it.

I press play.......

"Shit........deeper!" said the female

"Nahh fuck!" said the male

"Harder!" she moaned

"Damn Ashley."  he moaned

The remote fell out of my hand Malik having sex with some white bitch,"So this is Ashley?"

The door opened with Malik shocked just like me.

I Hope You Caught The Mistake But I'm Not Gonna Say.


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