33-Make It Home

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August Alsina-Make It Home

Chris Brown- Next To You

Home wasn't a set house, or a single town on a map. It was wherever the people who loved you were, whenever you were together. Not a place, but a moment, and then another, building on each other like bricks to create a solid shelter that you take with you for your entire life, wherever you may go.

Sarah Dessen,What Happened to Goodbye


Before we could make any movements getting Aubrey and Kaymie back we had to take what was ours. All the little things that he has we was gonna grab and hide it, shoot a couple of niggas and grab some money. Just like being back in the game more likely. Every time we do something good we get knocked down hard. I was like we wasn't made to do anything good just pushing out the demons in all of us. I admit making mistakes like everyone else but the way karma was hitting a nigga I didn't like it not one bit.

"Iight so that nigga got y'all girls at his house. Its guarded with two guys outside and one at the door. I don't know how many inside." said Hakeem
"So easy way or the hard way?"

"Both so I can shoot that nigga. I'm not asking shit." said Malik

"Where Lucas at, we can use him to get inside."

Rakeem came from the back with Lucas,"Here he is."

"Look all I want is my girl back, I still don't like yo ass but I need my girl back."

He nodded,"Okay."

2 Hours Later

We pulled up at his house in no time, checking our guns and putting the silencer on them.

"I want niggas dead and the girls alive." said Malik

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

I got a call from a unknown number,"Hello."

"Baby? Where are you I -I can't take it here I need you please come get me I'm losing my mind Logan baby-"

"Aubrey babe I'm coming for y'all where are you? Hello? Aubrey can you hear me?"

"Girl looks good from a angle." said Malcolm

"You touch her I'll kill you."

"Yea we'll see." he said hanging up


On the way there we all had a silent prayer telling God to at least pray for us bringing the girls back home.


I know we ain't the best people

you look down at but for this

moment watch over us as we

bring Aubrey and Kaymie home

where they belong.

We ask you to watch over us as

we're about to do another

dangerous job.

In Jesus Name Amen.

I put my bandana over my mouth and followed Malik to the front where the security was dead. I kicked down the door seeing this Malcolm nigga smoking getting some head from some girl.

I pushed the girl off of him and It wasn't Aubrey nor Kaymie. Thank God.

"Welcome to my home." he said smoking

"Where the girls at?" said Malik

"Where my money?" looking at Lucas

"Look I ain't with Lucas I just want my girl back." pointing my gun at his head

"Man I got yo money it aint here." said Lucas "Just give him his girls." he added

"No money no girls." said Malcolm standing up

I took a step forward only for him to pull out a gun and his guys coming out the corner with guns to the girls head.

"Let them go." said Malik

"Baby!" said Aubrey trying to get out of his grip

"Let em go!"

"Ima respectable man all I want is the money. Logan right? I know things and done seen some shit about you.  And know how you are when it comes to family." he said looking at Aubrey. "Good looking girl ain't she? She took care of a nigga." he added

"What the fuck did you do?"

"I just had a simple taste." he smirked

I lost it. Dropping my gun on the floor and tackling him down on the ground.


I shot the guys that was holding the girls. Kaymie ran up and hugged me. "Baby I'm so fucking sorry."

"No its my fault." she said crying in my shirt"I never meant to drink I-I-I'm sorry." she cried

Lucas separated Logan and Malcolm. Malcolm pulled out his gun and Logan grabs his from the floor. One thing led to another and there was a bang.

I held on to Kaymie tight,opening my eyes to see Malcolm lying on the floor dead.

I sighed in relief, "Glad that's over."

Next Update Is the last Chapter

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