28-Time Flies

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2 Months Later~March

"Come here lil man."

It's been two months and Kaymie is still in the come and she still have some seizures so it's still a sign that she isn't dead. Right?

Malik and Aubrey hasn't been the same since that day and I've been trying my best to keep everyone situated and take care of LJ all at the same time.

So I decided that he should go with my parents in ATL since I can't handle taking care of 3 people by myself. Lj is only 8 months and  Cherri just had my little sister Dakota Davis aka DD.

"Wanna spent time with grandma and grandpa?"

All LJ could do is smile and drool spit, he loves them. I wiped his face off of the milk I just gave him and burped him in the living room. "Everything is gonna be okay." I told him

"Hey baby." I tried calling Aubrey but she walked past someone going in the kitchen. Thats all she has done.

She hasn't said a full blown sentence and she gives me short answers to my questions. I feel like I'm losing her everyday. All she do is eat, wash, clean and cry herself to sleep. Aubrey doesn't even want me to hold and cuddle her like I usually do. She blames herself because she weasnt being a good frieend and actually talked to Kaymie like she usually does.

"Are you okay?" I asked her

She nodded,"Fine."

"I made breakfast."

"Not hungry." she sighed

"Baby you gotta eat-"

"I SAID I'M NOT HUNGRY! " she semi-yelled

The doorbell ranged and Aubrey walked upstairs. As always.

"Hey son." said Dad

"What's up dad."

"Good where my grandson at?" he asked walking in

"Right here ready to go thanks for doing this."

"No thanks needed how's everyone?"

I sighed telling him everything that has been going on these last 2 months and what I've been doing to help.

"She just went upstairs." I just got finished telling him everything.

"Damn man you holding it down fa ya lady and yo nigga. Ima tell you that everything is gonna be okay only time and God would tell." he said getting up

"I know she keeps pushing me away."

"Thats what I did when you mama died, just sit around and blamed myself for everything. I had to talk to someone before I gotten worse with it and not be able to take care of you."

"Yea I know maybe I should talk to her."

"Right call me if It didn't work out maybe I should talk to her." he said walking out

"Iight Dad."

I closed the front door and locked it, turning of the television and walking up stairs.

Before I head to my room I checked on Malik knowing him he still sleep which he was. Malik a sneaky one trying to leave to go see Kaymie and staying nights at a time, and he doesn't need to see her like that.

Our room door  was crack and you can hear Aubrey talking to herself to God.

"God, am I doing something wrong? I know I did some fu-messed up sh-stuff and I- I know I'm not the best person to handle this situation but I need your help. Logan is trying all he can and I love him with every bone in my body and I feel like I'm pushing him into another woman's arms, I don't even know if he still wanna get married. Im not in my right state of mind to even take care of my son. God I can't lose my only friend she all that I have out here,I know I'm not good at anything but to grind and take care of my family but please find my family peace."

I dried my eyes out, Aubrey is the only one for me I would never fo something like that. I open the door and walked to her side of the the bed and kissed her lips.

"Logan stop." she mumbled

I couldn't stop I wanted to show her that I will always be here for her. She know that she can't push me off of her so she gave in and pulled off my shirt vice versa.

"I will never leave yout side."


"I got you."

Clothes flying and the passion gets hotter by the second. I pulled out a condom and slide it right on me. "I love you."

"Make love to me." she moaned



I woke up to Logan and Aubrey having sex in their room so I left the house to get some fresh air. Luckily I walked down to the park and sat in one of the chairs.

I prayed everyday and every night to God asking him to bring Kaymie back in my life but what do I get? Not a call from the hospital to tell me that she is up. I would never question his powers all I know is that I hate myself everyday because Im being punished.

Nobody knows how bad this shit hurt, its like losing your best friend. Pulling out a cigarette but only to look at it. Im killing myself by smoking these,I just threw the cigarette in the trash with the whole box. Im gonna change for my baby.


I looked at one of ths nurses from the hospital,"Hey nurse Jane right?"

"Yea, what are you doing here?" she asked

Nurse Jane was one of the nicest nurse that was taking care of Kaymie, a mother figure helping us cope with Kaymie's condition.

"Just clearing my head what are you doing here?"

"Enjoying my day off." she laughed

"Is that right I thought you love your job?"

She gave me a straight face,"Boy please I can only mess with so much white people when Im on the clock, Im close to popping them in the mouth."

I laughed,"You know just what to say to make me laugh."

"People need a little laugh in their lives." she said looking into her purse "Look God knows what he is doing he is helping in mysterious ways." she added sliding a piece of paper to me.

I took the paper seeing information that was good for me,"How did you get this?"

"I know people lets keep it at that." she got up and walked away

I dialed Logan's number hoping that they was done what they was doing.

"Nigga where are you?" he yelled

"Calm down Im down the street at the park we gotta do something so come on."

I heard shuffling in the background,"Iight Im coming."

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