Chapter 18

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Hey my beloved readers, here's another  chapter for you guys. Please lemme know what you guys think. I really appreciate and learn from the feedback.

Have a marvelous day ahead and God bless all of you. #staysafe



I placed my hand over my chest only to feel my ragging heartbeat. What just happened?

What the hell was that?

I didn't know how long I stood there staring into space so when Ms.Winnie walked in, I yelped in shock.

"AJ dear, are you alright?"

"Y..yeah. I'm fine." I said halfheartedly. In truth, I was very uncomfortable with how I felt at that moment.

"Is your friend gone?"

"Yeap, he left just minutes ago." I forced myself to keep talking. Thankfully she nodded in understanding.

"How about I make you some fruit juice while you finish up with the cupcakes?"

"That sounds great thank you." I gave a her a tight smile and continued my work. All the while I couldn't shake off what had happened earlier.


Rylen's POV

How I wish that I had kissed those soft lips. She was right there. I could have done it. It was so fucking tempting. I wanted to do it but my action would have been wrong. Her eyes were so vulnerable in that moment. Like she had never been in a situation like that. Despite her rock hard exterior, I was able to see her fragility more than once.

She might have a spitfire tongue and a hard head but there was something more than all that. The little nerd was covered with layers and layers of thick armour.

It was all going to come off soon. I was going to gently peel her off and see her for what she really was. She did a good job of crapping shit about the day before. She was a good liar but not good enough to fool me. I was half expecting her to blurt out the truth or make a small slip but she managed to compose herself quite well. Of course people like her would turn out to be good liars.

Every part of me conviced myself to keep a closer eye on the nerd for my own safety purpose but in reality I knew it was just another excuse for me to stay close to her. I couldn't help it. Even if it was dangerous. Deep down I was somehow assured that the nerd wouldn't open her mouth to anyone. If she did, Cora would be the first and I already tested Cora. If she did not tell her best friend then that only means she understood the importance of her silence.

I smiled at the thought. Since there was this unspoken truth between us, I could scare her some more. Make her feel more uncomfortable by teasing the crap out of her. I almost chuckled at the shocked expression she wore earlier today. When, I cornered her at the bakery, she looked so clueless.

She seemed more intriguing by the day. Wherever she was, there she demanded my full attention. Even when I would pretend not to give a fuck.

I didn't understand what the hell I was feeling. She was the most annoying human being in the whole university but I couldn't stay away from her. I hated myself for wasting my time on some girl that didn't give a damn about me. There were countless other girls who would do  a lot just for me to turn my head in their direction. This one would just scream at my face every  chance she got so why do I still pay attention to her? She doesn't deserve anything from me. I shouldn't spare her a single thought.

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